- Docker install instructions link
- docker-compose install instructions link
- php composer install instructions link
- nodejs install instructions link
- nginx v1.19.6
- mysql v8.0
- php 7.4-fpm
- redis server v6.0.10
- Run -->
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
- Wait until the composer create the project.
- Copy the contents of .env.sample content to .env file.
- Run -->
composer update
- Copy the contents of example-app to root directory
- Run php artisan key:generate to generate new app key
- Build docker-compose run -->
docker-compose up -d
- You can access laravel application at
- If you get ERROR 500 Check for .env file if file not exists rename .env.sample to .env
- And run php artisan key:generate to generate new app key
Mysql Settings:
- DB_PORT=3306
- DB_DATABASE=laravel
- DB_USERNAME=laravel
- DB_PASSWORD=laravel
Redis Settings:
If you want to pause your Docker Compose environment while keeping the state of all its services, run:
docker-compose pause
You can then resume your services with:
docker-compose unpause
To shut down your Docker Compose environment and remove all of its containers, networks, and volumes, run:
docker-compose down
If you want to recreate your Docker Compose environment , run:
docker-compose up --force-recreate