code for TCBB paper "Knowledge Adaptive Multi-way Matching Network for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition via Machine Reading Comprehension"
(1) Train BioNLP11EPI on train dataset, evaluate on dev dataset:
python ./ train --config configs/train.conf
(2) Evaluate the BioNLP11EPI model on test dataset:
python ./ eval --config configs/eval.conf
datasets lies in data file
- The files
,Concept description information.txt
can be extracted directly from UMLS by MetaMap tool(to use UMLS, you need to request access permission). Note that some UMLS concepts may not have any definition sentence. Knowledge_Embeddings.npy
contains the UMLS embeddings of Maldonado et al. 2019.- scispaCy preprocess the concept description information
[1] Eberts, Markus, and Adrian Ulges. "Span-based joint entity and relation extraction with transformer pre-training." arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.07755 (2019).
[2] Li, Xiaoya, et al. "A unified MRC framework for named entity recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.11476 (2019).