The libstacktrace is a c library that provides a simple API to output the crash call stack to STDERR when the process crash.
$ make
Include stacktrace.h to project, and call init_stacktrace() API to initialize library.
#include "stacktrace.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// initialize library.
// do some thing.
Examples of use are provided in example.c of the repository, which makes null pointer access, and the process crashes with the following output:
[root@localhost libstacktrace]# ./example
/home/sharp/libstacktrace/example - STACK TRACE:
/lib64/ [0x7fca8db52450]
./example() [0x4036f0] example.c bar()
./example() [0x403703] example.c foo()
./example() [0x40371d] ?? main()
/lib64/ [0x7fca8db3e555]
./example() [0x402c9a] ?? _start()
Segmentation fault
If CCFLAGS is added -g flag, more detailed information will be output:
[root@localhost libstacktrace]# ./example
/home/sharp/libstacktrace/example - STACK TRACE:
/lib64/ [0x7fa21a2e0450]
./example() [0x4036f0] /home/sharp/libstacktrace/example.c bar():8
./example() [0x403703] /home/sharp/libstacktrace/example.c foo():15
./example() [0x40371d] /home/sharp/libstacktrace/example.c main():24
/lib64/ [0x7fa21a2cc555]
./example() [0x402c9a] ?? _start()
Segmentation fault
The libstacktrace dependence on libbfd (Binary File Descriptor library).
bfd build elf sections data, find the file name, function name, and source line where the stack pointer is located based on the elf sections data.
bfd is provided by the binutils package, which can be installed in CentOS distributions with the following command:
yum install binutils-devel -y