Box2D 3.0
Current commit:
Included platform binaries:
- windows_amd64_avx2
- windows_amd64_sse2
- linux_amd64_avx2(outdated)
- linux_amd64_sse2(outdated)
All binaries are build using the default settings. All binaries are located in binaries directory if you want to use your own build of Box2D.
Defines for Box2D Constants:
- BOX2D_AVX2 (default: true)
package box2d_example
import b2 "odin-box2d"
import "core:fmt"
main :: proc()
world_def := b2.default_world_def()
world_def.gravity = b2.Vec2{0, -10}
world_id := b2.create_world(&world_def)
defer b2.destroy_world(world_id)
ground_body_def := b2.default_body_def()
ground_body_def.position = b2.Vec2{0, -10}
ground_body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &ground_body_def)
ground_box := b2.make_box(50, 10)
ground_shape_def := b2.default_shape_def()
b2.create_polygon_shape(ground_body_id, &ground_shape_def, &ground_box)
body_def := b2.default_body_def()
body_def.type = .Dynamic
body_def.position = b2.Vec2{0, 4}
body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &body_def)
shape_def := b2.default_shape_def(0)
circle := b2.Circle{{0, 0}, 1}
b2.create_circle_shape(body_id, &shape_def, &circle)
time_step: f32 = 1.0 / 60
sub_steps: i32 = 4
for i in 0..<60
b2.world_step(world_id, time_step, sub_steps)
position := b2.body_get_position(body_id)
angle := b2.body_get_angle(body_id)
fmt.println(position, angle)