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Back-pressure streams with a modern API


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Alpes - Back-pressure streams with a modern API

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This documentations uses stream notations following a simple timeline notation.

stream1: -a-b-c-d->

stream2: -a--b---c|

stream3: -abc-def-X

Time proceeds from left to right, using letters and symbols to indicate certain things:

  • - - an instant in time where no event occurs
  • letters (a,b,c,d,etc) - an event at an instant in time
  • | - end of stream
  • X - an error occurred at an instant in time
  • > - stream continues infinitely * Typically, > means you can assume that a stream will continue to repeat some common pattern infinitely


stream: a|

A stream that emits a and then ends immediately.

stream: a-b---|

A stream that emits a, then b, and some time later ends.

stream: a-b-X

A stream that emits a, then b, then fails.

stream: abc-def->

A stream that emits a, then b, then c, then nothing, then d, then e, then f, and then continues infinitely.


of(...<args>) -> <Stream>

const { of } = require('alpes');

const stream = of('a', 'b', 'c');
// stream: abc|

from(<Iterable>) -> <Stream>

See also, the Iterable documentation.

const { from } = require('alpes');

const stream = from(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// stream: abc|

from(<stream.Readable>) -> <Stream>

See also, the stream.Readable documentation.

const fs = require('fs');
const { from } = require('alpes');

const stream = from(fs.createReadStream('./some.file'));
// stream: -chunk1-chunk2-chunk3|

from(<Error>) -> <Stream> or throwError(<Error>) -> <Stream>

See also, the Error documentation.

const { from } = require('alpes');

const stream = from(new Error('X'));
// stream: X


const { throwError } = require('alpes');

const stream = throwError(new Error('X'));
// stream: X

from(<Promise>) -> <Stream>

See also, the Promise documentation.

const { from } = require('alpes');

const stream1 = from(
  new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve('a'), 500))
// stream1: ---a|

const stream2 = from(Promise.reject(new Error('X')));
// stream2: -X

produce(<producer>, <seed>) -> <Stream>

const { produce } = require('alpes');

// Simple 'synchronous' stream production.
const stream1 = produce((push) => {
  push({ value: 'a' });
  push({ value: 'b' });
  push({ value: 'c' });
  push({ done: true });
// stream1: abc|

// The producer is called only when the downstream consumers are ready,
// the seed let's the production picks up when it ended.
const stream2 = produce((push, value) => {
  push({ value: value });
  const nextValue = value--;
  if (nextValue < 0) {
    push({ done: true });
  return nextValue;
}, 5);
// stream2: 5-4-3-2-1-0|

// Async producers can return a promise to the updated seed.
const stream3 = produce((push, value) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) // Wait 500ms
    .then(() => {
      push({ value: value });
      const nextValue = value--;
      if (nextValue < 0) {
        push({ error: new Error('X') });
      return nextValue;
}, 5);
// stream3: ---5---4---3---2---1---0X

// Thrown errors or returned rejected promise are not swallowed.
const stream4 = produce(() => {
  return Promise.reject(new Error('X'));
// stream4: -X

// `push` returns `false` when the downstream consumers can't follow and it's a
// good time to stop pushing. Subsequent values will be cached.
// TLDR: For better memory management, design your producer to return when push returns `false`.
const stream5 = produce((push) => {
  while (push({ value: 'v' })) {
    // NOTHING
// stream5: vvvvvvv----vvvvvvvv--[...]-vv>


stream.drain() -> <Promise> or drain()(stream) -> <Promise>

  .then(() => {
    // Called when the stream ends.
  .catch((error) => {
    // Called when an error event is encountered.

stream.collect() -> <Promise> or collect()(stream) -> <Promise>

stream // ---a--bc|
  .then((events) => {
    // Called when the stream ends, events is ['a', 'b', 'c'].
  .catch((error) => {
    // Called when the latest event is an error.

stream.subscribe(<consumer>) -> <Promise> or subscribe(<consumer>)(stream) -> <Promise>

stream // ---a--b--cX
  .subscribe((event) => {
    // 1st call: { value: 'a' }
    // 2nd call: { value: 'b' }
    // 3rd call: { value: 'c' }
    // 4th call: { error: new Error('X') }
  .then((events) => {
    // Called after the last call to the consumer.
  .catch((error) => {
    // Called when an error event is triggered in the consumer.

The consumer can slow down the upstream, returning a Promise let suscribe knows about the duration of the consumption and adapt the speed of the stream accordingly. alpes guarantees the consumer is never called more that once simultaneously, producers are slowed down and events are cached as needed.

stream // ---a--b--c|
  .subscribe((event) => {
    if (event.value) {
      // Consumption takes 500ms
      return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)).then(() =>
    // Other events don't need consumption.
  .then((events) => {
    // Called after the last call to the consumer, i.e. more than 3 * 500ms
    // after the start of the stream.
  });<mapper>) -> <Stream> or map(<mapper>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const mappedStream1 = stream1 // -1----2-3|
  .map((v) => v * 2);
// mappedStream1: -2----4-6|

const mappedStream2 = stream2 // 1--2----3|
  .map((v) => {
    if (v === 2) {
      throw new Error('X');
    return v * 3;
// mappedStream2: 3--X

const mapper = map((v) => v / 3);

const mappedStream3 = mapper(
  stream3 // 3--9--6--|
// mappedStream3: 1--3--2--|

const mappedStream4 = mapper(
  stream4 // 3--9--6--X
// mappedStream4: 1--3--2--X

stream.chain(<mapper>) -> <Stream> or stream.mergeMap(<mapper>) -> <Stream> or chain(<mapper>)(stream) -> <Stream> or mergeMap(<mapper>)(stream) -> <Stream>

stream:                 -a----b----c|
mapper(a):               a--a--a|
mapper(b):                    b----b----b|
mapper(c):                           c-c-c|
stream.chain(mapper):   -a--a-ba---b-c-cbc|
const stream = produce((push, value) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)) // 100ms between each push
    .then(() => {
      push({ value });
      return value + 1;
}, 1);
// stream: -------1-------2-------3------->
const mappedStream = stream.chain((value) =>
  produce((push) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200)) // 75ms between each push
      .then(() => {
        push({ value });
// mappedStream: -------1-----1-2---1-2-3-1-2-3->

stream.concatMap(<mapper>) -> <Stream> or concatMap(<mapper>)(stream) -> <Stream>

stream:                   -a----b----c|
mapper(a):                 a--a--a|
mapper(b):                      b----b----b|
mapper(c):                             c-c-c|
stream.concatMap(mapper): -a--a--ab----b----bc-c-c|
mapper called lazily:      ^      ^          ^
const stream = of(1, 2, 3);
// stream: 123|
const mappedStream = stream.concatMap(
  (value) =>
    from(new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(value), 200))) // 200ms delay
// mappedStream: --1-2-3|

stream.filter(<predicate>) -> <Stream> or filter(<predicate>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const filteredStream = stream // -1--2----3|
  .filter((v) => v % 2 === 1);
// filteredStream: -1-------3|

stream.reduce(<reducer>) -> <Promise> or reduce(<reducer>)(stream) -> <Promise>

stream // -2--4---6|
  .reduce((product, v) => product * v, 1)
  .then((finalProduct) => {
    // Called after the last call to the reducer, with its result.
    // finalProduct: 48 (1*2*4*6)
  .catch((error) => {
    // Called when an error event is triggered in the stream
    // or when an error is thrown in the reducer.

The reducer can be asynchronous and returns a Promise, in this case the upstream is slowed down.

stream // -2--4---6|
    (product, v) =>
      new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) // Wait 500ms
        .then(() => product * v),
  .then((finalProduct) => {
    // Called after the last call to the reducer, with its result.
    // finalProduct: 48 (1*2*4*6)
  .catch((error) => {
    // Called when an error event is triggered in the stream
    // or when an error is thrown in the reducer.

stream.scan(<reducer>) -> <Stream> or scan(<reducer>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const scannedStream = stream // -2-----3-1|
  .scan((product, v) => product * v, 1);
// scannedStream: -2-----6-6|

The reducer can be asynchronous and returns a Promise, in this case the upstream is slowed down.

const scannedStream = stream // -2-----3-1|
    (product, v) =>
      new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) // Wait 500ms
        .then(() => product * v),
// scannedStream: --2-----6-6|

stream.tap(<function>) -> <Stream> or tap(<function>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const mappedStream // -6--4---2|
  .tap((v) => {
    console.log('foo', v);
    return 12; // This value will be ignored
  .map((v) => v / 2)
// mappedStream1: -3--2---1|
// The following will be logged
// foo 6
// foo 4
// foo 2

stream.batch(<count>) -> <Stream> or batch(<count>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const batchedStream = stream // -1-2-3-4-5|
// batchedStream: ---[1,2]---[3,4]-[5]|

stream.rateLimit(<interval>) -> <Stream> or rateLimit(<interval>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const rateLimitedStream = stream // -1234----5--6|
// rateLimitedStream: -1-2-3-4-5--6|

stream.skip(<count>) -> <Stream> or skip(<count>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const skippedStream = stream // -1234----5--6|
// skippedStream: ----4----5--6|

stream.take(<count>) -> <Stream> or take(<count>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const takkenSteam = stream // -1234----5--6->
// takkenSteam: -1234|

stream.fork(<count>) -> [...<Streams>] or fork(<count>)(stream) -> [...<Streams>]

const [fork1, fork2] = stream // -1234----5--6->
// fork1: -1234----5--6->
// fork2: -1234----5--6->

stream.transform(<consumerProducer>, <seed>) -> <Stream> or transform(<consumerProducer>, <seed>)(stream) -> <Stream>

const transformedStream = stream // -1-2-3-4|
  .transform((event, push, seed) => {
    if (event.value) {
      push({ value: event.value });
      return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) // Wait 500ms
        .then(() => {
          push({ value: event.value + seed });
          return seed - 1;
    } else {
  }, -1);
// transformedStream: -1-0-2-0-3-0-4-0|

stream.transduce(<transformer>, <reducer>, <seeder>) -> <Stream> or transduce(<transformer>, <reducer>, <seeder>)(stream) -> <Stream>

Most of the other functions are implemented using transduce, in most case you shouldn't need it

const transducedStream = stream // -1-2-3-4|
    // Transformer, can transform the event's value before calling the reducer (or not)
    (reducer) => (accumulation, event) => {
      if (event.done || event.error) {
        return reducer(accumulation, event);
      } else {
        return reducer(accumulation, {
          value: event.value * 2
    // Reducer
    (accumulation, event) => {
      if (event.done) {
        return { accumulation, done: true };
      } else if (event.error) {
        throw event.error;
      } else {
        return {
          accumulation: accumulation + event.value,
          done: false
    // Seeder, able to generate the seed value
    () => -3
  .then((finalAccumulation) => {
    // Called after the last call to the reducer, with its result.
    // finalAccumulation: 17 (-3 + 1*2 + 2*2 + 3*2 + 4*2)
  .catch((error) => {
    // Called when an error event is triggered in the stream
    // or when an error is thrown in transformer, reducer or seeder.


concat(...<Streams>) -> <Stream>

const { concat } = require('alpes');

const concatenatedStream = concat(
  stream1, // -123----4---|
  stream2 //  5---6-7|
); // -123----4---5---6-7|

merge(...<Streams>) -> <Stream>

const { merge } = require('alpes');

const mergedStream = merge(
  stream1, // -123----4---|
  stream2 //  5---6-7|
); // 51236-74---|