Client-side MVC framework for rails projects
- MVC architecture
- Hight affinity to Ruby on Rails projects
- Beautiful view template markups
- Powerful two-way data binding system
- View components
- CoffeeScript in mind
You'll need to have Grunt and Bower installed.
$ npm install
$ bower install
Available grunt commands are:
# Development: do less, compile coffee
$ grunt dev
# Test: compile coffee and run test with Jasmine on PhantomJS
$ grunt test
$ grunt test --group test_group --filter file_name
# Release: concatenate all files into one and create its minified version
$ grunt release
Contributions are always welcome!
- Ensure the bug can be reproduced on the latest master.
- Check it's not a duplicate.
- Raise an issue.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a branch.
- Run tests.
- Write test-driven code.
- Update the documentation if necessary.
- Create a pull request.
This project is copyright by Creasty, released under the MIT lisence.
file for details.