Tools for managing images within the Microsoft Azure platform, primarily for Debian.
- Python >= 3.4
- azure-servicemanagement-legacy
- azure-storage
- pyyaml
- py.test
Build a Debian image according to the specified section within the config.
Delete existing image from Azure.
Upload new image to Azure.
List all matching images.
Example config for all Debian distributions.
default: &DEFAULT
storage_account: null
storage_container: null
subscription: null
subscription_keyfile: null
default-daily: &DEFAULT-DAILY
image_name: 'Debian-{release_number}-DAILY-amd64-{timestamp}'
image_label: 'Debian {release_number} "{release_name}" DAILY'
release: wheezy
release_name: Wheezy
release_number: 7
release: jessie
release_name: Jessie
release_number: 8
release: stretch
release_name: Stretch
release_number: 9