Development stopped at the end of 2021 since i found two big issues:
Arcemu cant autogenerate random waypoints automagically.
Loot tables seems to be too much different.
TDBtoArc its a NON-OFFICIAL database conversion project for ArcEmu just for learning purposes. It will partially convert TrinityCore world database 335.21081 to ArcEmu structure.
Feel free to open tickets to report bugs. Constructive feedback its apreciated.
Scripts to obtain the following tables populated:
ai_threattospellid, auctionhouse
creature_formations, creature_names, creature_names_localized, creature_proto, creature_quest_finisher, creature_quest_starter, creature_spawns, creature_waypoints
gameobject_names, gameobject_names_localized, gameobject_quest_finisher, gameobject_quest_item_binding, gameobject_quest_starter, gameobject_spawns
itemnames, itempages, itempages_localized, itempetfood, items, items_localized, instance_bosses
npc_gossip_textid, npc_monstersay, npc_text, npc_text_localized
playercreateinfo_bars, professiondiscoveries
quest_poi, quest_poi_points, quests, quests_localized
totemdisplayids, transport_data
The next ones are provided by arcemu so there is no need of conversion:
spell_coef_override, spell_effects_override, spell_proc, spelltargetconstraints
worldstring_tables, world_db_version
The following tables are not going to be supported:
ai_agents, areatriggers
gameobject_quest_pickup_binding, graveyards
item_randomprop_groups, item_randomsuffix_groups
loot_creatures, loot_fishing, loot_gameobjects, loot_items, loot_pickpocketing, loot_skining
petdefaultspells, playercreateinfo, playercreateinfo_items, playercreateinfo_skills, playercreateinfo_spells
reputation_creature_onkill, reputation_faction_onkill, reputation_instance_onkill
teleport_coords, trainer_defs, trainer_spells
weather, worldmap_info, worldstate_templates
Finally, there are some special cases:
creature_timed_emotes, worldmap_info_localized, worldstring_tables_localized (empty in all projects, so it wont be missed)
creature_staticspawns (useless)
gameobject_staticspawns (needed by core)
gameobject_teleports, items_extendedcost (for custom stuff)
transport_creatures, vehicle_accessories (this are very bugged, also poor implemented)
command_overrides, spell_disable, trainerspelloverride, weather_season, worldbroadcast, worldbroadcast_localized, wordfilter_chat, wordfilter_character_names (server admin)
banned_phrases, item_quest_association, map_checkpoint (deprecated?)
This require the TDB world database release 335.21081
Setup a TDB world database.
Run all files inside scripts folder or run install tool.
Execute remove_tdb_tables.sql
Execute add_arc_world_structure.sql, it would be logeable at this point.
Apply hotfixes in order. Additional notes on each file.
Can be completed with tables from ArcDB.
- TrinityCore for his wonderfull database job.
- Formers ArcEmu database projects: NCDB, WHYDB, IFDB, POTD and ARCDB (so far).
- Marforius for ArcAddons who make my life much easier.
- ArcEmu developers for ArcEmu, specially to dfighter1985.