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  README document for mkgallery script

  Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Eugene G. Crosser

  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
  arising from the use of this software.

  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
  freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
     appreciated but is not required.
  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     misrepresented as being the original software.
  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. traverses directory tree starting from current directory
downwards, and in each directory creates an index.html file with the
list of subdirectories and the list of image files in the directory.
Filesystem objects starting with '.' are not processed.  For every
directory, a file ".title" is checked, and created if absent, with the
title for this album.  Subdirectories are created with scaled down
versions of the images, and a directory named ".html" containging
slideshow pages (and info pages for non-javascript clients).

For the thing to work, you must create a subdirectory named ".gallery2"
at the root of your image gallery, or somewhere upstairs in the
document tree, and put there the files from the "include" subdirectory
of this distribution.  Then, chdir to the root of your gallery and run
"" script.  First time, you will be asked to enter titles
for all subdirectories ("Albums"); if you wish to recreate the titles,
remove ".title" files or specify "--asktitles".  If you *don't* want
"index.html" to be generated in some directory, create a file ".noindex"
there.  This way you can preserve index created by hand or by some other
script like "".

command-line options:
 --help:	print help message and exit
 --incpath:	do not try to find .gallery2 diretory upstream, use
		specified path (absolute or relavive).  Use with causion.
 --debug:	print a lot of debugging info to stdout as you run
 --asktitle:	ask to edit album titles even if there are ".title" files
 --noasktitle:	don't ask to enter album titles even where ".title"
		files are absent.  Use partial directory names as titles.

The only way to specify titles for individual pictures is to write
comments into the image files (in UTF-8 encoding).

"" is a simple script that is completely unrelated to the
gallery (theoretically).  If your tree starts with YYYY/DD (four
digit year and two-digit month), this script will create a compact
table with references to individual months, and then a separate list
of subdirectories that are not four-digit.

Image::Magick (optional. If not present, will run djeg|pnmscale|cjpeg pipe)
XML::RSS (optional. If not present, will refuse to make RSS feed)


- support gestures. Make the interface more mobile-friendly
- make jumping to adjacent albums possible (via parameter to upper index.html)
- make index.html depend of .title and directory timestamps
- rebuild htmls in .html when directory timestamp changes (images added)
- try to make showwin "Extending: Element" and get rid of domelement()
  dummy getter and getCoordinates() replacement function (?)

Eugene Crosser <crosser at average dot org>


Create static photo gallery from a directory tree with pictures






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