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Feist Josselin edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Slither API

from slither import Slither  
slither = Slither('example.sol')  

For a Slither object, you can access:

  • slither.pragma_directives: list of the Pragma directives
  • slither.import_directives: list of the Import directives
  • slither.source_code: a dictionary that maps a filename to its source code
  • slither.solc_version: the solc version that was detected

The solc version is detected either by running solc --version or by looking at the version provided by Truffle.

The contracts are acceded through:

  • slither.contracts: list of all the contracts
  • slither.contracts_derived: list of all the contracts that are not inherited
  • slither.get_contract_from_name(name): get a contract from a given name (return None if it is not found)

Contract information