Welcome to Topper-FS!
- The Premier Blockchain Topping App -
Have you ever wanted to support your favorite creators, but don't want to deal with Patreon or other similar sites? Topper is the solution. Using Ethereum and blockchain technology, Topper enables user-to-creator transactions that are not only fast, but are also significantly more private and secure. Topper supports many of the top social media sites, including Youtube, Reddit, Twitch, and Twitter, and is constantly being expanded to more. While some of these sites already have options to support creators, those that have it lack a common standard, and the creators don't get all of your contribution because of the various fees that are included within the process. Topper fixes this problem by creating a user experience that is the same no matter which site you use, and only requires one initial signup and wallet creation. This process includes simple and easy-to-use features that allow you to connect your Topper account to the sites you want to use it with, regardless of how comfortable you are with crpytocurrency. Topper transactions are also enabled within the site, and the integrated UI is so clean you will forget it is there. Visit the site at "DOMAIN HERE", and install the chrome extensions "EXTENSION LINK HERE'. Thanks!
We used many different technologies to build Topper. The frontend uses React and React hooks. Axios is used to twigger routes from the frontend to the backend. The backend is composed of Express and Sequelize, with PostgreSQL as the database. Authentication is handled by Oauth and Passport. To interact with the Ethereum blockchain and carry out transactions, we use Web3, Fortmatic, and the Metamask extension.
capstone video here
transaction video here