implements a simple game using interrupts to detect button pushes on MSP430.
'unsigned char gameOver(unsigned char player);'
- displays "Game Over!" on the screen.
- returns the value of initPlayer() to reset player value/
'unsigned char initPlayer();'
- returns the value 0x80, the first spot on the LCD
'void printPlayer(unsigned char player);'
- prints the game piece "*" to the screen
- position is designated by player
'void clearPlayer(unsigned char player);'
- similar to printPlayer, but prints " " instead.
'unsigned char movePlayer(unsigned char player, unsigned char direction);'
- uses case staments to direct direction of game piece
- returns the new position and prints it
'unsigned char youWon(unsigned char player);'
- returns initPlayer to reinitalize the game piece.
- writes "you won!!" to lcd
'void clearScreen();'
- blanks the screen so that something new can be written.
'void testAndRespondToButtonPush(char buttonToTest)'
- debounces buttons
- written by Capt Branchflower
'void init_timer()'
- initialized Timer_A on MSP430.
'void init_buttons()' -initalized buttons on MSP430.