Our initial idea: make something help people run for lives faster. We thought of doing some fancy Machine Learning ways to predict before hazard happen, we notify people, with the right precaution steps.
Down the road, we pivot and change for better, we found there are plenty of 'another natural disaster vizualization app', and in our opinions, that's lack of real actions being take after knowing all the disasters, most likely most people didn't even see the 'app'. We don't want to make another thing to only create awareness - we wanna help people take actions, in a easier way.
In the end, we ended up with a simple Web app, to help people in safe to know our friends at another part of the world are suffering, and help them to actually take action to support them. Here's a stimulation of our idea: https://elgoog.netlify.com
One of the coolest things we did was, we picked up a new framework that's totally new to us VueJS. We learned it along our way of building stuffs, great experience gained.
Along my way researching about the problems we are trying to solve, I found some really really cool stuff being done by these large organizations - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Facebook Data for Good, and Google Crisis Response. Gates are working the stuff that are so important but very few people actually spend time and money to contribute to it. Facebook is using the Big Data they have, doing some really great research on some maps that help a lot in improving disaster response, and prevention of next disease outbreak like Ebola. For Google, with the resources they help, no doubt, they contribute a lot too!
Another project worth mentioning is this, from one of the team at Tensorflow 2.0 Challenge, they use tweets data from Twitter to predict their location and disaster they are in!
And here marks the story of this weekend project ;)