Hercules already has support for webtoken. This project is no longer needed and is discontinued.
Webtoken plugin for the Hercules emulator.
This plugin is required for third party applications such as Mindu or athena-web-service to provide the web services required by 2019-06+ Ragexe clients for emblems, character and user configurations in the Hercules emulator.
This project only aims to provide a bare minimun solution for 2019-06+ clients. For a more functional, feature rich, better security and better performance solution, help funding the real deal here https://board.herc.ws/topic/20151-http-support-in-hercules-funding/
- Run the file login_webtoken_fields.sql against your server database. Skip step 2 if your Hercules version is equal or greater than 202301110.
- Apply webtoken.diff into your Hercules codebase. Alternatively, you can directly apply this PR.
- Place csnv_webtoken.c in your src/plugins directory and compile, per the Hercules' docs:
- [Old Wiki] https://wiki.herc.ws/wiki/Hercules_Plugin_Manager
- [Github Wiki, GCC] https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/wiki/Building-HPM-Plugin-for-gcc
- [Github Wiki, msvc] https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/wiki/Building-HPM-Plugin-for-MSVC