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neuron is a UNIX process wrapper that uses configuration in ectd to run commands and manage ENVs for production services.

Neuron watches etcd for changes and either restarts your process or exits gracefully when they occur. This allows ENV or command changes to propagate to your running processes without deploying new code.


Neuron works well with 12factor apps that expect their config to come from environment. In development or staging, neuron -r can be useful to quickly react to ENV or command changes.

In production, allowing neuron to crash your processes assumes you have a process manager responsible for monitoring processes.

neuron import

Run neuron import if you already have a Procfile and .env file:

~/projects/go/src/ (master*)$ neuron import

   ____  ___  __  ___________  ____
  / __ \/ _ \/ / / / ___/ __ \/ __ \
 / / / /  __/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / / / /
/_/ /_/\___/\__,_/_/   \____/_/ /_/

action=import procfile=Procfile envfile=.env
action=import-procfile process=web
action=import-procfile process=worker
action=import-env-var key=WEB_URL
action=import-env-var key=FOO

neuron <process>

Given the following data in etcd:

/services/foo-service/envs/dev/PORT = "5000"
/services/foo-service/envs/dev/DATABASE_URL = "postgres:///foo-service"
/services/foo-service/processes/web = "bundle exec puma -p $PORT -w 2 -t 12:16"

A call to

> neuron web -env=dev

in the directory foo-service is like calling:

> bundle exec puma -p $PORT -w 2 -t 12:16

in that directory with an ENV of



calling neuron with no args will display usage

> neuron
   ____  ___  __  ___________  ____
  / __ \/ _ \/ / / / ___/ __ \/ __ \
 / / / /  __/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / / / /
/_/ /_/\___/\__,_/_/   \____/_/ /_/

Usage of neuron:
  -cmd="": name of cmd key
  -e=".env": .env location for import
  -env="default": name of env dir
  -etcd="http://localhost:4001": url of etcd
  -p="Procfile": procfile location for import
  -r=false: restart instead of crashing


In order to make your processes discoverable, any process started with neuron sends heartbeats to etcd



Takes the fully qualified key in etcd or shorthand


Takes the fully qualified directory in etcd or shorthand


URL of etcd


restart process - useful for development or tuning params

if this is not set, neuron crashes and assumes your process manager will reboot it. when your system restarts the neuron process it will have the new ENV

other commands

neuron import

Loads Procfile and .env files into etcd


Name of Procfile


Name of .env file

neuron bootstrap

Creates directories and single web process in etcd


UNIX process wrapper that uses etcd for configuration






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