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App Academy Projects

==================== This repository contains a list of projects completed for App Academy.

Week 1

  • Primitive Ruby types (common methods)
  • Debugging
  • Running/loading Ruby code
  • Methods
  • Iteration
  • Symbols, Strings, and Option Hashes
  • Input/Output
  • Classes
  • Pass by reference
  • Refactoring and Code Smells
  • Scope
  • Hash Defaults
  • Blocks
  • Recursion
  • Intro data structures

Week 2

  • Serialization (JSON and YAML)
  • Gems and rbenv
  • Class inheritance
  • Exceptions, error handling
  • Decomposition into objects
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism and DRY
  • Information hiding/encapsulation
  • Chess solo project and debugging
  • Introduction to RSpec
  • RSpec Syntax
  • TDD
  • Test doubles
  • subject and let
  • guard-rspec

Week 3

  • SQL Fundamentals
  • Formatting SQL Code
  • SQL + Ruby
  • SQLite3
  • Heredocs
  • Migrations
  • ORM
  • Associations
  • Rails Conventions
  • Validations
  • ActiveRecord and Indexes
  • ActiveRecord::Relation
  • ActiveRecord and Joins
  • Scopes
  • Introduction to RSpec
  • RSpec Syntax
  • TDD
  • Test doubles
  • subject and let
  • guard-rspec

Week 4

  • Routing
  • Controllers
  • HTML
  • Views
  • ERB
  • HTML Form Basics
  • Rails Parameter Conventions
  • Mass Assignment
  • Debugging
  • Cookies
  • Controllers and State
  • CSRF and Forms
  • displaying validation errors, flash
  • Authentication: Creating Users and Sessions
  • ActionMailer
  • View helpers
  • View layouts
  • View partials
  • Polymorphic Associations
  • Concerns

Week 5

  • RSpec and Rails Setup
  • Testing Models
  • FactoryGirl and Faker Gems
  • Integration Testing with Capybar
  • HTTP
  • Rebuilding Rails
  • Codecademy JS Curriculum
  • jQuery Fundamentals: JavaScript Basics
  • Server-side JavaScript
  • Object-oriented JavaScript
  • Function invocation
  • Closures and Scope
  • Intro to Callbacks: File I/O
  • this and that
  • Ways to Call a Function (exercises)
  • The Module Pattern
  • JavaScript Style

Week 6

  • arguments
  • Prototypal Inheritance
  • Client-side JavaScript
  • Modules in the Browser
  • Asynchronous Client-side Code
  • Basic Canvas Drawing
  • Semantic HTML
  • CSS Selectors
  • The Box Model
  • CSS Display Attribute
  • Positioning and Floating
  • The Document Object Model
  • jQuery I: Selection and Manipulation
  • jQuery II: Events
  • jQuery III: Ready
  • jQuery IV: All The Ways
  • jQuery V: Data Attributes
  • jQuery VI: Event Delegation
  • jQuery VII: Triggering
  • Intro to jQuery Plugins
  • jQuery Fundamentals: AJAX
  • Basic AJAX
  • AJAX Remote Forms
  • Underscore Templates

Week 7

  • Backbone.Model
  • Backbone.Collection
  • Backbone.View
  • Backbone.Router
  • CollectionView pattern
  • Backbone.Event
  • Getting Started With Backbone
  • Backbone parse
  • RailsCast on Jbuilder
  • Composite View
  • jQuery UI