Excel template that should help with recording of time worked.
The template comes with a set of VBA-Macros, in order to provide support when
- looking for the current date,
- adding the respective day type (e.g. work, flexday, etc.),
- inserting the timestamps for start and end, and
- calculating the break time.
In addition, the tool calculates the time worked for each day plus the +/--values.
The calculation algorithm for computing break times is in accordance with the German law:
There are also legal regulations for breaks. After 6 hours of work, the employee is entitled to a rest break of 30 minutes. If the employee works more than 9 hours, the work must be interrupted for at least 45 minutes by one or more breaks.
A pivot table can be used to get an overview of what was recorded (aggregated by month/calenderweek and type, resp.).