A simple header-only smart pointer class that employs type erasure and annotation to safely perform run-time casts of void* to typed pointers. any_ptrs enable the storage of heterogeneous types within a single container, e.g.
std::vector<any_ptr> ptrs;
ptrs.emplace_back(new std::vector<int>({4,5,6}));
and safe run-time casting to their progenitor types,
for (auto& ptr : ptrs) {
if (auto runtime_casted_ptr = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>>(ptr)) {
std::cout << "Runtime cast to std::vector<double> successful!\n";
std::cout << runtime_casted_ptr[0] << endl;
Adapted from Cassio Neri's implementation to be Boost-free with C++11 idioms.