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Christian Zang edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 3 revisions

Why do I get different results each time I run dcc() or seascorr()?

This is due to the random character of the bootstrapping: each time you sample from the original data, the random samples will be different unless you provide the same setting of the random number generator each time.

You can use set.seed(<SOME INTEGER>) to feed the random number generator with the same starting conditions each time; then you will retrieve exactly the same results for each run of dcc() and seascorr() given unchanged data.

Can I use time series shorter than 31 years for seascorr()?

No, this minimum number of observations is requested for the exact bootstrapping to work.

Does treeclim support method XY?

Please check the reference manual. If method XY is not mentioned there, it is not supported. To file a feature request, please use

I discovered a bug, what to do next?

Please file a bug report at

My question is not covered here, where should I ask for help?

Please please ask on the mailing list!forum/treeclim. Not that I would expect volunteers to help ;-) but it will help me to point you to already existing answers and to identify FAQs.