Quite long time ago I noticed that electronic parts that I buy are often duplicated in my "local storage" e.g. I buy the same resistors/cap/uCs and so on, that I have already in my desk. I decided then, that I will create an application to store my inventory state. There are lot of applications on the market to do this so why I decided to develop my own app?
- Application should contain a list of available electronic elements, grouped in categories with all the parameters that can describe it
- Application should remember all the items user contains in his inventories, and allows basic operations like move/add/remove item from it
- Application should be able to save BOM of project designed by user, and if needed, check if user can put together this project with parts avalible in storage.
- Also when some part is missing in inventory, server should give an hint with possible replacements
- And many more...
- Postgres database and it's brilliant json fields, for saving a variable number or parameters to each element and, in the future, use GPU for more complicated queries http://www.slideshare.net/kaigai/gpgpu-accelerates-postgresql
- I use https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ (can be used in embedded devices in simple way) as protocol, and QWebSocket for convenience
- Boost libraries
- QT5
- cmake 3.0.2
- protbuf 2.6.2
- https://github.com/rbock/sqlpp11
- https://github.com/cszawisza/sqlpp11-connector-postgresql It must be my fork of the connector library
Client application
- No extra dependencies
- Source Code: https://github.com/cszawisza/eedb
- Redmine: http://eedb.pl
- In case of questions, please create an issue on github, or write me an email ( cszawisza(at)gmail.com )
The project is licensed under the BSD license.