This is the yolov3 person object detection framework which is based on the open-source keras yolov3 architecture.
The original project can be found in
#files description
----------trained_weights_final_2.h5 #final weight
----------ep004-loss36.290-val_loss34.747.h5 #middle weight
--------coco_classes.txt #coco data label class
--------voc_classes.txt #voc data label class
--------yolo_anchors.txt #yolov3 anchor boxes size
--------yolo_weights.h5 #original yolov3 weight
--------yolo3 #yolov3 model
--------1341846332.086502.png #object detection example of freiburg3
--------1341846337.150037.png #object detection example of freiburg3
--------halfsphere_bbox.txt #object detection result of freiburg3_walking_halfsphere data #use the model to detect the freiburg3 example
--------xyz_bbox.txt #object detection result of freiburg3_walking_xyz data invoking function #detect the object in freiburg3_walking_halfsphere and freiburg3_walking_xyz data
------yolo3 #yolov3 model
------coco_train.txt #coco 2014 train data labels
------yolo_anchors.txt #yolov3 anchor boxes size #yolov3 detect object and function
------yolov3.cfg #yolov3 parameter
------2012_person_val.txt #voc 2012 validation data labels
------2012_person_train.txt #voc 2012 train data labels #k-means algorithm to get the suitable anchor boxes #get voc 2012 labels from original annotation format
------coco_voc.txt #voc 2012 and coco 2014 labels
------coco_val.txt #coco 2014 validation labels
------darknet53.cfg #darknet parameters #train the yolov3 model #get coco 2014 labels from original annotation format
------person_keypoints_train2014.json #coco 2014 original labels(person train)
------person_keypoints_val2014.json #coco 2014 original labels(person validation)
------rgb #freiburg3_walking_halfsphere rgb images
------depth #freiburg3_walking_halfsphere depth images
------rgb #freiburg3_walking_halfsphere rgb images
------depth #freiburg3_walking_halfsphere depth images
----train2014 #coco 2014 images
--------Annotations #all voc xml labels
------------person_trainval.txt #voc person image IDs
------------person_train.txt #voc person train imgae IDs
------------person_val.txt #voc person validation image IDs
--------JPEGImages #voc images
#code opration method
run "" #get voc person labels, store them in "2012_person_val.txt" and "2012_person_train.txt". run "" #get coco person labels, store them in "coco_train.txt" and "coco_val.txt".
convert the "2012_person_val.txt" and the "coco_train.txt", store them in "coco_voc.txt".
run "" to get the suitable anchor boxes size, which will use "coco_voc.txt".
run "" to train the model. #"" will use "trained_weights.h5", "yolo3","coco_voc.txt","voc_classes.txt","yolo_anchors.txt" and store the new weights
run "test/", use the trained model to detect the freiburg3 dataset and store the result in "halfsphere_bbox.txt" and "halfsphere_bbox.txt". run "test/" to show object detection example in freiburg3 dataset.
ps: The data file does not have the image data, you can download the "VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar" from voc webpage, "" and "" in coco web page, "rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_walking_halfsphere.tgz" and "rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_walking_xyz.tgz" from freiburg3 web page. Then un compress them in the "data" folder.