import UIKit
// Method to create Body Mass Index
Body Mass Index is a simple calculationusing a person's height and weight. The formula is BMI = kg/m2. where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in metres squared.
func bodyMassIndex (yourWeight : Float, yourHeight : Float) -> (String) {
let bodyTotals = yourWeight / 2.2 // weight conversion to kg
let heightTotals = yourHeight / 39.37 //height conversion to metres.
let allTotals = heightTotals * heightTotals
let bmiTotals = bodyTotals / allTotals
if bmiTotals < 18 {
return "Your BMI is \(bmiTotals)% you are Underweight" // Change the String what you would like it to say when <18
else if bmiTotals < 24 {
return "Your BMI is \(bmiTotals)% you are Normal" // Change the String to what you would like it to say when <24
else {
return "Your BMI is \(bmiTotals)% your are Overweight" // Chnge the String to what you would like it to say when over 24%
bodyMassIndex(yourWeight: 100, yourHeight: 65)
print(bodyMassIndex(yourWeight: 100, yourHeight: 65))