The Verdure Admin application is the backend system to Administrate the Verdure application written in Rust. It is used to manage the vocabulary stored in a PostgreSQL relational database.
To build the server:
go build -o server ./cmd/server
The following environment variables are required to connect to Postgres. The DB_LINK in conjunction with the aws cli to obtain db connection properties.
export DB_LINK="dev/aws/secret"
export REGION="us-east-1"
You can find docs here: AWS Secret Manager
To generate updated models and resolvers:
go run generate
Then rebuild the server
go build -v -o server ./cmd/server
To build everything:
go build -v ./...
go test -v ./...
//go:build integration // +build integration
export ENV_TEST_PATH="/Users/dev/go/src/verdure-admin/.env.test"
export DB_LINK="test/aws/secret"
export REGION="us-east-1"
go test -tags=integration ./...