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Cubits API client

A Ruby 1.9+ client for Cubits Merchant API v1.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cubits'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cubits



First thing you have to do is to generate your API token (key+secret) from your Cubits Pay account in the API integration section.

Then, configure your Cubits client:

require 'cubits'

Cubits.configure(key: '***', secret: '***')

Now you can test your API connection:

require 'cubits'

Cubits.configure(key: '***', secret: '***')

Cubits.available? # => true

If you configured multiple connections the last one will be used by default. You can get the current active connection key with Cubits.active_connection_key and switch between connections with Cubits.active_connection_key=. There is also a possibility to temporary switch the connection for a block: Cubits.with_connection_key() { ... }


Using the cubits Ruby client you can create and retrieve invoices.

Invoices are represented by the Cubits::Invoice class, which is a descendant of Hashie::Mash, so it's a Hash with a method-like access to its elements: # => "686e4238970a92f04f1f5a30035bf024"
invoice.status # => "pending"
invoice.invoice_amount # => "0.00446216"
invoice.invoice_currency # => "BTC"
invoice.address # => "3QJmV3qfvL9SuYo34YihAf3sRCW3qSinyC"


Creates a new invoice.

For a list of accepted and returned parameters, see the POST /api/v1/invoices page in the Cubits Help Center Developer's section.

invoice = Cubits::Invoice.create(price: '1.00', currency: 'EUR')

Here a call to POST /api/v1/invoices is executed and the response is wrapped in a Cubits::Invoice object.


Retrieves an existing invoice.

invoice = Cubits::Invoice.find("686e4238970a92f04f1f5a30035bf024")

Returns Cubits::Invoice object or nil if the specified invoice was not found.


Reloads Cubits::Invoice object.

invoice = Cubits::Invoice.find("686e4238970a92f04f1f5a30035bf024")
# do some stuff...
invoice.reload # gets the up-to-date invoice data from the Cubits API


Using the cubits Ruby client you can create, update and retrieve channels.

Channels are represented by the Cubits::Channel class, which is a descendant of Hashie::Mash, so it's a Hash with a method-like access to its elements: # => "d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2"
channel.receiver_currency # => "EUR"
channel.address # => "3QJmV3qfvL9SuYo34YihAf3sRCW3qSinyC"


Creates a new channel.

For a list of accepted and returned parameters, see the POST /api/v1/channels page in the Cubits Help Center Developer's section.

channel = Cubits::Channel.create(receiver_currency: 'EUR')

Here a call to POST /api/v1/channels is executed and the response is wrapped in a Cubits::Channel object.


Retrieves an existing channel.

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")

Returns Cubits::Channel object or nil if the specified channel was not found.


Reloads Cubits::Channel object.

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
# do some stuff...
channel.reload # gets the up-to-date channel data from the Cubits API


Updates attributes of the channel.

For a list of accepted parameters, see the POST /api/v1/channels/{id} page in the Cubits Help Center Developer's section.

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.reference # => nil
channel.update(reference: "CHAN_192357")
channel.reference # => "CHAN_192357"


Returns channel transactions as Cubits::ResourceCollection of Cubits::Channel::Tx objects.

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.count # => 42


The Cubits::ResourceCollection object represents a collection of resources of a particular type:

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs # => <Cubits::ResourceCollection of Cubits::Channel::Tx ...>

Cubits::ResourceCollection implements Ruby Enumerable interface, and therefore exposes all the basic iterators (#each, #select, #map) as well as many other methods.

In addition to that, some helper methods are implemented:


Returns number of elements in the collection:

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.count # => 42


Returns all the elements of the collection as an Array:

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.all # => [{ "tx_ref_code"=>"YYWZN",
                #       "state"=>"pending",
                #       "channel_id"=>"d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2",
                #       ...
                #     },
                #     ...
                #    ]


Returns the first element of the collection:

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.first # => { "tx_ref_code"=>"YYWZN", "state" => "pending", ... }


Returns the last element of the collection:

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.last # => { "tx_ref_code"=>"WWZKX", "state" => "completed", ... }


Finds and returns an element in the collection with a given id (or tx_ref_code in case of Cubits::Channel::Tx), or nil if the element cannot be found.

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.find("PGDAV") # => { "tx_ref_code"=>"PGDAV", "state" => "completed", ... }


Reloads collection. Resets preloaded elements and element count.

channel = Cubits::Channel.find("d17ad6c96f83162a2764ecd4739d7ab2")
channel.txs.count # => 42

# ... new transaction is created

channel.txs.count # => 42
channel.txs.reload.count # => 43


This resource represents a merchant channel transaction. An instance of Cubits::Channel::Tx should be obtained from a channel.txs collection or instantiated from a callback.


Returns the Cubits::Channel object, owning this transaction:

tx = Cubits::Channel::Tx.from_callback(
  cubits_callback_id: 'ABCDEFGH',
  cubits_key: '7287ba0902...',
  cubits_signature: '7d89c35c2...',
  body: '{"tx_ref_code": "YYWZN", "state": "pending", ...}'
) # => {"receiver_currency"=>"EUR", "name"=>nil, ...} # => Cubits::Channel


Your Cubits accounts are represented by the Cubits::Account class, which is a descendant of Hashie::Mash, so it's a Hash with a method-like access to its elements:

account = Cubits::Account.all.first

account.currency # => "EUR"
account.balance # => "125.00"


Retrieves a list of accounts.

Returns Array of Cubits::Account objects.

Cubits::Account.all # => [{ currency: 'EUR', balance: '125.00' }, ...]


Requests a quote for a "buy" or "sell" operation.

Quotes contain information about the current Cubits exchange rate for a certain operation type of a certain amount and can serve as an estimation for subsequent buy or sell requests.


Creates a new quote.

For a list of accepted and returned parameters, see the POST /api/v1/quotes page in the Cubits Help Center Developer's section.

quote = Cubits::Quote.create(
  operation: 'buy',
  sender: {
    currency: 'EUR'
  receiver: {
    currency: 'BTC',
    amount: '1.0'

quote.sender # => {"currency"=>"EUR", "amount"=>"172.81"}

Here a call to POST /api/v1/quotes is executed and the response is wrapped in a Cubits::Quote object.

Buy bitcoins helper method creates a transaction to buy bitcoins using funds from your Cubits account. Bought bitcoins will be credited to your Cubits wallet.

The exact exchange rate will be calculated at the transaction execution time.


Attribute Data type Description
sender Hash Sender attributes define the spending part of the transaction
sender[:currency] String ISO 4217 code of the currency that you want to spend (e.g. "EUR")
sender[:amount] String Amount in specified currency to be spent, decimal number as a string (e.g. "12.50") sender: { currency: 'EUR', amount: '150.00' }
# => {"tx_ref_code"=>"RNXH3"}

On success, .buy creates a transaction and returns its reference code.

Sell bitcoins

Cubits.sell helper method creates a transaction to sell bitcoins from your Cubits wallet and receive the according amount in the specified fiat currency. Fiat funds will be credited to your Cubits cash account.

The exact exchange rate will be calculated at the transaction execution time.


Attribute Data type Description
sender Hash Sender attributes define the spending part of the transaction
sender[:amount] String Amount in BTC to be spent, decimal number as a string (e.g. "0.01250000")
receiver Hash Receiver attributes define the receiving part of the transaction
receiver[:currency] String ISO 4217]( code of the currency that you want to receive (e.g. "EUR")
Cubits.sell sender: { amount: '0.45000000' }, receiver: { currency: 'EUR' }
# => {"tx_ref_code"=>"4XRX3"}

On success, .sell creates a transaction and returns its reference code.

Send money

Cubits.send_money helper method allows you to send Bitcoin from your Cubits Wallet to an external Bitcoin address.


name type description
amount String Amount in BTC to be sent, decimal as a String (e.g. "0.1234000")
address String Bitcoin address to send the amount to
Cubits.send_money amount: '1.5000000', address: '3BnYBqPnGtRz2cfcnhxFKy3JswU3biMk5q'
# => {"tx_ref_code"=>"64RHH"}

On success .send_money creates a transaction and returns its reference code.


Cubits Merchant API provides an authentication mechanism for callback requests it posts to the merchant specified URL's. That way merchants can be sure, that the data posted within a callback comes from a trusted source.

The callback authentication is described in detail in the Cubits Help Center Developer's section.

The cubits ruby gem provides a Cubits::Callback class for easy and straightforward callback verification and parsing.


Provided all relevant headers and body are extracted from the callback request, from_params() method validates the signature, parses request body and returns passed data wrapped in a given Cubits::Resource-based class object.

Signature of the callback is verified using key+secret pair, passed to Cubits.configure(...) beforehand.


name type description
cubits_callback_id String Value of the CUBITS_CALLBACK_ID header
cubits_key String Value of the CUBITS_KEY header
cubits_signature String Value of the CUBITS_SIGNATURE header
body String Callback request body as a String
resource_class Resource, nil (optional) subclass of Cubits::Resource (e.g. Cubits::Invoice). If specified, an object of that class is instantiated and initialized with the parsed request body. (default: nil)
allow_insecure Boolean (optional) Allow insecure, unsigned callbacks (default: false)


An instance of a given resource_class or a Hash.


Cubits::InvalidSignature is raised if either cubits_key passed with the callback does not match the preconfigured API key, or the cubits_signature does not match the signature calculated from a preconfigured API key+secret pair.

Cubits::InsecureCallback is raised if the callback is unsigned, and allow_insecure option is false.


Validate and parse callback into a plain Hash:

data = Cubits::Callback.from_params(
  cubits_callback_id: 'ABCDEFGH',
  cubits_key: '7287ba0902...',
  cubits_signature: '7d89c35c2...',
  body: '{"attr1": 123, "attr2": "hello"}'

data # => { 'attr1' => 123, 'attr2' => 'hello' }
data.class # => Hash

Validate and parse callback into a Cubits::Invoice object:

invoice = Cubits::Callback.from_params(
  cubits_callback_id: 'ABCDEFGH',
  cubits_key: '7287ba0902...',
  cubits_signature: '7d89c35c2...',
  body: '{"attr1": 123, "attr2": "hello"}',
  resource_class: Cubits::Invoice

invoice # => { 'attr1' => 123, 'attr2' => 'hello' }
invoice.class # => Cubits::Invoice

Process an insecure, unsigned callback:

data = Cubits::Callback.from_params(
  cubits_callback_id: 'ABCDEFGH',
  body: '{"attr1": 123, "attr2": "hello"}',
  allow_insecure: true

data # => { 'attr1' => 123, 'attr2' => 'hello' }


Cubits::Invoice, Cubits::Channel and Cubits::Channel::Tx expose a helper method: .from_callback() which can be used to validate callback and instantiate a resource object in one go:

invoice = Cubits::Invoice.from_callback(
  cubits_callback_id: 'ABCDEFGH',
  cubits_key: '7287ba0902...',
  cubits_signature: '7d89c35c2...',
  body: '{"attr1": 123, "attr2": "hello"}'

invoice # => { 'attr1' => 123, 'attr2' => 'hello' }
invoice.class # => Cubits::Invoice


Ruby client for Cubits Merchant API







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