This is a collection of Women in Technology used for teaching purposes at Mann Library for 4-H Career Explorations 2017. We taught 21 high school (grades 9-12) children from 4-H chapters and schools across New York State. June 27 - 29, 2017.
The planning and instruction team consisted of Camille Andrews, Darcy Branchini, Huda Khan, Nick Cappadona, Tahir Poduska and Tobi Hines. Gabriel Plane was also helpful in installing on the computers in Stone Classroom. In addition, Jen Colt, Liz Woods, and Manolo Bevia volunteered to help with the coding portions of the workshop to help with code reviews as the students added/modified the code. Our contact at 4-H was Alexa Maille, NYS 4-H STEM Specialist.
Two folders were created in the repo. One for exercises for code snippets of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The other for the website for the collection of Women in Technology.
We used Stone classroom in Mann Library. Workstations are PCs with Atom editor. Github Desktop was used to fork this repo by each student in their Github Account. Any changes made to the code were committed and pushed to the Github repo. In addition to learing about Git and Github workflow, this process also ensured that the data didn't get lost in case the workstations were rebooted.