The strategy file is src/engine/ (more instructions when I have time) If you think the code is weird, that's because this module was torn from the main program, which includes the auto-trader. Not planning to release that yet.
After running, the result is printed to stadard output, and a basic chart.png is generated. Not the best UX, but we're trying to make money not pretty things.
The code will download historical data and place it in hist_data. Subsequent runs for the same period will yield faster. Using Docker for this is not advisable because the pricing will be downloaded every time.
Running with Docker
git clone
cd bybit-backtester
docker build -f dockerfile -t backtester:1.0 .
docker run -d backtester:1.0
>>> python3 -V
git clone
cd bybit-backtester
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir -p logs trades hist_data
You need to create a .env file and fill in your API keys
Non-docker command
python backtester 2021-03-05 2021-03-10
Running tests (if you're into unit tests)
python -m unittest discover -s src/tests -p '*'