🔭 I’m currently working on blockchain development
🌱 I’m currently researching software architecture, blockchain, network security
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on startup
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/cuongtop4598
📝 I regularly write articles on https://viblo.asia/u/cuongtop45
📝 I have a paper at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9642123
💬 Ask me about golang, python, typescript, reactjs
📫 How to reach me cuongtop4598@gmail.com
Introduce about my self
I am a 23-year-old man. I come from Vietnam. At the moment, I’m working and living in Ha Noi city. As you know, When i was at grade 12, i developed a keen interest in the internet and technology. Following my interest, i pursued my bachelor of science in software technology at Military technical Academy. So, I'm a backend developer who specializes in efficient Golang apps that work on any platform. I care deeply about creating APIs that are both usable and enjoyable in order to be as efficient as possible. I have two year experiene of Golang Dev. Right now, I am excited about the still very complicated software architecture, and working towards to become a Golang senior. The reason why i choose Golang is my main language is that Golang is light weight OOP language, overall, it only includes struct and function, it’s very clear to write and read code. It supports goroutine that improve performance. Especially, It supports new http/2 protocal, so make transaction very quickly. In the following years, I also plan to explore the client-side more and become a better-rounded full-stack dev.