- beego 1.7+
- cuu radius libs go get -u github.com/cuu/radius
- AdminLTE
- rethinkdb
- gorethink v3
MPL 2.0
- go get github.com/astaxie/beego
- go get -u github.com/cuu/radius
- go get gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3
- go get -u github.com/cuu/softradius_system
- mv $GOCODE/src/github.com/cuu/softradius_system $GOCODE/src/github.com/cuu/softradius
- cd $GOCODE/src/github.com/cuu/softradius && go build
- Install rethinkdb and run it anywhere you like,I compiled it from source,latest version 2.3.5
- cd dbfiles && ./import.sh && cd ..
- ./softradius -admin to start web ui
- ./softradius -radius to start radius auth server
- ./softradius -radacct to start radius acct server
- go to to see the interface,default password would be "admin/admin"
- Opertors, admin fully working,now going for the privilege of normal operators and agency
- Online user ,accouting works,
- Radius auth ,auth user from database
- Radius acct ,accouting flow and time to User self,will add acct tickets for logging
- Agency
- Members , only quick open
- Sidbar search
- Multi Vendor radius support
- Portal CMCC V1/V2 HuaWei V1/V2