Source code and datasets for TKDE2022 paper: [Semi-supervised Entity Alignment via Relation-based Adaptive Neighborhood Matching]
Please first download the datasets here and extract them into
Initial datasets WN31-15K is from OpenEA. Initial datasets DBP-15K is from JAPE. Initial datasets DWY100K is from BootEA.
Take the dataset EN_DE(V1) as an example, the folder "pre4" contains:
- kg1_ent_dict: ids for entities in source KG;
- kg2_ent_dict: ids for entities in target KG;
- rel_triples_id: relation triples encoded by ids;
- kgs_num: statistics of the number of entities, relations, attributes, and attribute values;
- entity_embedding.out: the input attribute value feature matrix initialized by word vectors;
- Python>=3.7
- pytorch>=1.7.0
- tensorboardX>=2.1.0
- Numpy
- json
To run RANM model on WN31-15K and DBP-15K, use the following script:
Due to the instability of embedding-based methods, it is acceptable that the results fluctuate a little bit (±1%) when running code repeatedly.
If you have any difficulty or question in running code and reproducing expriment results, please email to
If you use this model or code, please cite it as follows:
Weishan Cai, Wenjun Ma, Lina Wei, and Yuncheng Jiang*. Semi-supervised Entity Alignment via Relation-based Adaptive Neighborhood Matching, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE), Early Access Article. DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2022.3222811, 2022. (CCF A)