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dos h0077 titleanimation

tickle edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 9 revisions

English | Japanese

Home > Chart settings specification > Title text effect (default design)

| <- titleLineHeight | titleAnimation | titleAnimationClass -> |

titleAnimation (titleanimation)

  • Title text animation settings




Sets the animation method for the title character. You can set the second line by separating by "$".
Note that this title text animation is applied to child div elements of lblmusicTitle.
Therefore, if you apply CSS animation directly to lblmusicTitle, both settings will be applied.

No Example Description
1 upToDown Animation name
2 120 Animation frame counts
3 0 Delayed frames to start animation (default: 0 frames)
4 linear Animation method (default: ease)

Language-specific settings (Since ver32.7.0)

Common Setting Language (En) Language (Ja)
titleAnimation titleAnimationEn titleAnimationJa
titleanimation titleanimationEn titleanimationJa

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Version Change details
v32.7.0 - Supports for camel notation designation.
- Support for language-specific settings.
v18.9.0 - Add a fourth element (animation method)
v18.5.0 - Initial implementation

| <- titleLineHeight | titleAnimation | titleAnimationClass -> |

English | Japanese

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