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dos h0087 syncBackPath

tickle edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 13 revisions

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Home > Chart settings specification > Importing custom data

| <- baseBright | syncBackPath || customTitleUse -> |


  • Setting the reference basis directory for images used in background and mask motion
  • **Common setting -> g_presetObj.syncBackPath




  • Specify whether the image path specified in the background/mask motion should be the current directory specification as specified in customJs and skinType.
  • If specified, the current directory will always be based on "/danoniplus/js/". If the image folder is in a fixed location such as "/danoniplus/img/", there is no need to review the image paths specified for background and mask motion if the path to danoni_main.js is set correctly even if the folder on the work side is moved.
  • If you want to specify the path to your own work, you can use the current designation (..) can be used.
Value Default Description
false * Do not use the current directory specification (the reference directory is the directory where the work page is located)
true Use current directory specification (base directory should be "/danoniplus/js/")

Difference in the actual image path depending on the syncBackPath specification.

  • Here, the root path of a work is /danoniplus/works/sub/.
  • If |syncBackPath=false|, the current specification (...) is not applied. It is treated as a string.
Image path Actual image path
Actual image path
image001.png /danoniplus/works/sub/image001.png /danoniplus/js/image001.png
../img/image002.png /danoniplus/works/img/image002.png /danoniplus/img/image002.png
(..)image003.png /danoniplus/works/sub/(..)image003.png /danoniplus/works/sub/image003.png

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Version Change details
v25.4.0 - Initial implementation

| <- baseBright | syncBackPath || customTitleUse -> |

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