A modular, fast and up-to-date environment for running Checkmarx Static Application Security Testing solution as Docker containers. I.e. CxSAST running on Docker. If you are looking for the docker containers for various third-party systems that integrate with CxSAST look here.
This is an unofficial, unsupported development release not intended for production. Treat it as a proof of concept to show that it's indeed possible to run CxSAST on Windows Docker Containers.
- Cloud friendly - deployable with a single command, fully modularized for redundancy and scalability
- Fully dockerized - instant startup and shutdown, each component in its own container
- Scale up or down by adding and removing engine containers. Engines self-add themselves into the scan manager configuration.
- A database is persisted through container changes and upgrades
Docker images:
- CxSAST Manager - Scan, job and system managers
- CxSAST Portal - Web UI
- CxSAST Engine - Scan engine
- CxSAST DB - A custom build of the Microsoft's MSSQL server for Linux with telemetry disabled
The build does not contain the Checkmarx installer or the license required to run CxSAST. You will need to download, unzip the installer separately and get the license before it can run. Read more in the build section.
Following the Docker best practice CxSAST is split up into functional components - CxEngine, CxManagers, CxPortal. MSSQL is running in a separate container as well. This approach affords better scalability and HA, at a small cost of the networking overhead. It also conforms to the Distributed Architecture.
CxSAST runs inside docker containers based off a Microsoft's Windows Server Core image, with telemetry disabled by default. To run these containers on a Linux host you will need a VM with Docker like this one from Stefan Scherer.
First you need build the images required to run CxSAST. They are not posted on docker hub. The build procedure is fully documented in build.md.
Running CxSAST in containers is best done with the help of a docker swarm orchestrator. You can also start them up manually. Detailed description is in run.md.
Linux containers:
- CxBuilder - A build-time helper container. For now this is just a web server, serving whatever is in a volume mapped to /www folder. It is not used at run time.
- CxDB - The latest image of Microsoft SQL Linux server with telemetry turned off and pre-configured as the Express version.
- Portainer - Management and visualization GUI for the docker swarm setup, created from the portainer/portainer image. Optional.
Windows containers:
- CxEngine - Checkmarx engine docker container. The actual code scanner.
- CxManagers - Checkmarx scan, job and system managers controlling the Engines
- CxPortal - Checkmarx web interface with IIS
It is possible to run CxDB and CxBuilder as a windows container. For more details see the build instructions.
- This setup is tested with CxSAST 8.5 and 8.6, docker version 18.01.0-ce for linux/amd64 and 17.10.0-ce for windows/amd64
- No traffic is encrypted. It's a demo system after all.
- The DB IP and passwords are baked into the images at the build time. If the hostname name or the SA password for your DB changes after the initial build you would need to replace C:\CxSAST\Configuration\DBConnectionData.config on cx_managers or rebuild the images.
- Names of the cxdb and cxmanager hosts are hardcoded into the builds. You could however change names of the engines.
- Containers use pretty colors if you run them with -it, even in the detached mode (through
docker logs
docker run --name portainer -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer
docker stop cxdb
docker run --name cxdbbackup -v cxdb:/from -v cxdb-backup:/to alpine ash -c "cp -av /from/* /to/"
docker start cxdb
This will also create a container attached to cxdb-backup. This will ensure that the db empty copy is not removed when docker system prune
is run.
You can later take a DB backup by running
docker stop cxdb
docker start cxdbbackup
docker start cxdb
Note though that if you remove all stopped volumes this will release the volume which in turn will be available for pruning.
This will reset the database to the blank state and create a "data refresher" container. This will also bind cxdb-fresh volume to ensure it is not removed on docker volume purge
docker stop cxdb
docker run --name cxdbrestore -v cxdb-fresh:/from -v cxdb:/to alpine ash -c "cp -av /from/* /to/"
docker start cxdb
Later you can just re-run this container every time a new db is needed
docker stop cxdb
docker start cxdbrestore
docker start cxdb
docker logs cxcontainer
or docker logs -f cxcontainer
to trail the logs
To stop a services roll it redundancy to 0
- Move url redirect setup from setup in portal to dockerfile so it's prebuilt into the image
- Add build into docker-compose so it can be built with compose
- Switch to docker secrets for the DB pwd and license into the docker swarm secrets or reconfigure cxbuilder to host build secrets - install file, zip pwd, license etc. Here are great methods for storing secrets
- Add healthcheck to dockerfiles. A healthcheck is a script you define in the Dockerfile, which the Docker engine executes inside the container at regular intervals (30 seconds by default, but configurable at the image and container level). Make sure your HEALTHCHECK command is stable, and always returns 0 or 1. If the command itself fails, your container may not start. E.g.
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=5s CMD wget http://localhost/cxwebclient || exit 1
or powershell
HEALTHCHECK CMD powershell -command `
try { `
$response = iwr http://localhost/cxwebclient -UseBasicParsing; `
if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {return 0} `
else {return 1}; `
} catch {return 1}
- All traffic is plain text (non-ssl)
- MSSQL password is saved into the images at the build time - should be later changed to a run time password
- Admin passwords are hardcoded into the compose file. Should be moved to a swarm secret store.
- Build phase is manual, but could be automated by using the build context in the docker-compose filev