OpenFace++ does NOT contain any major changes to the facial data extraction techniques already used in OpenFace. However, OpenFace++ includes the following changes compared to OpenFace.
- Facial Expression Detection (using Action Units)
- Attention Estimation (using Eye-Gaze)
- Android Support
- Background Worker Thread
- Simplified API
- Code Refactoring
- Static Linking and Optimized Building
For more detailed information please refer to the thesis document.
Project | Platform | Distribution | Download |
MiniExample | Windows | ZIP | Link |
FaceSensor | Windows | ZIP | Link |
OpenFaceAndroid | Android 4.4+ | APK | Link |
OpenFace++ was created for research purposes and does not have any additional license requirements. However, you must respect the original OpenFace license as well as the licenses of dependencies listed below.
The sources of following third party components have been added to this repository. These components are linked statically into the final application. You must respect their licenses. Unlike OpenFace, OpenFace++ does NOT require boost.
Name | Description | License | Website |
OpenCV | Computer Vision Framework | Link | |
dlib | Machine Learning | Link | |
LibPNG | PNG-Fileformat | Link | |
LibSVM | Support Vector Machines | Link | |
zlib | ZIP-Compression | zlib | |
Intel TBB | Multi Threading Toolkit | Apache 2.0 | |
Visual Studio 2015 is required. Make sure to selected C++ and Android NDK related components at setup stage.
- Engine folder contains all dependencies and OpenFace++
- All libraries are compiled statically from sources, no precompiled binaries!
- Build the engine for Windows or Android using the Visual Studio 2015 solutions below.
- Recommendation: Build engine for all available configurations (e.g. x86/debug being only one!).
- This step must be done only once; or in case there are changes in the dependencies.
- Compiled libraries are placed in: _Engine/lib/[platform]_
- Debug builds include additional filename appendix: _\_d_
VS2015 Solution: | Engine.sln |
Platforms: | x86, x64 |
VS2015 Solution: | Engine-Android.sln |
Platforms: | ARM, ARM64, x86, x64 |
Target: | android-19 |
Note: The Android solution includes the additional openface-jni project. This is the Java JNI wrapper used to access OpenFace from a managed Java APP on Android. This project generates the SO library file which can be loaded and called in an Android App using the native keyword in Java.
- Folder
- Minimal example as presented in my thesis.
- For Windows only; requires Webcam.
- Building requires successfully compiled engine for Windows!
- Includes the openface library project. You can change, rebuild and test from here!
- VS2015 Solution: MiniExample.sln
- Folder
- Application used for the user study in my thesis
- For Windows only; requires Webcam.
- Building requires successfully compiled engine for Windows!
- Streams facial data data using OSC network protocol.
- Includes the openface library project. You can change, rebuild and test from here!
- VS2015 Solution: FaceSensor.sln
- Folder
- Test project for Android Studio
- (!) Requires compatible SO library from _openface-jni_
- (!) Contains duplicated resources from _Engine/res_