The Cyotek.Data.Ini library contains a number of classes to work with ini files.
Yes, I said ini files. Traditionally, I would use the registry, but that isn't such a great idea if you're making portable software. So I could use XML, JSON, YAML, TOML etc. I have nothing against any of these formats - with the exception of TOML (which I have yet to use), I use the other 3 extensively. But for my configuration files I still prefer something that people can more easily edit, and which is more tolerant of errors.
The bulk of these classes were wrote in 2014 and were part of my main code library. As this isn't open source (yet), and I didn't like the 3rd party ini helper library I was using with another of my open source projects, I decided to extract this one and make it available. I filled in some test coverage and fixed a bug or two. With that said, despite its age it is still somewhat underused, and so likely still has bugs lurking around and the feature set and object model could definitely be improved.
The easiest way of obtaining the library is via NuGet.
Install-Package Cyotek.Data.Ini
If you don't use NuGet, pre-compiled binaries can be obtained from the GitHub Releases page.
Of course, you can always grab the source and build it yourself!
No documentation, so a few pointers to get started.
using Cyotek.Data.Ini;
string fileName;
IniDocument document;
fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.ProcessPath), "settings.ini");
// you can set the filename as part of the constructor
// the document is not loaded until you try to access a token
document = new IniDocument(fileName);
// or, you can load text directly with the LoadIni method
// or, you can load text from a file (this is direct, unlike the constructor)
// overloads exist for loading from a Stream or TextWriter
// use GetValue to read a value from a section
Console.WriteLine(document.GetValue("Settings", "stringTest"));
// you can also specify a default for when the requested value doesn't exist
Console.WriteLine(document.GetValue("Settings", "newSettings", "fallback"));
// or if you're reading multiple values, it is more efficient to get the section first
IniSectionToken section;
section = (IniSectionToken)document.CreateSection("Settings"); // this will return the existing section if found, or create a new one if not
section = (IniSectionToken)document.GetSection("Settings"); // this version returns null if the section doesn't exist
// to get a list of defined names, you can call GetNames
foreach (string name in section.GetNames())
// or enumerate tokens directly
foreach (IniToken token in document.ChildTokens)
// you can get the representation of a token with InnerText (or ToString(), they are equivalent)
foreach (IniToken token in document.ChildTokens)
// the document is a token too, so you can get the full ini configuration the same way
// use SetValue on either IniDocument or IniSectionToken to set a value
section.SetValue("alpha", "beta");
document.SetValue("Settings", "gamma", "delta");
// save the file
// overloads exist for saving to a Stream or TextWriter
// for quick operations there are a couple of static methods, but these
// will cause the entire document to be loaded and saved with each call
// so should be used sparingly
IniDocument.SetValue(fileName, "Settings", "newField", "Epsilon");
.NET Framework 3.5 or later.
Pre-built binaries are available via a signed NuGet package containing the following targets.
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 4.0
- .NET 4.5.2
- .NET 4.6.2
- .NET 4.7.2
- .NET 4.8
- .NET 6.0
- .NET Core 3.1
- .NET Standard 2.1
Contributions accepted!
- Found a problem? Raise an issue
- Want to improve the code? Make a pull request
Alternatively, if you make use of this software and it saves you some time, donations are welcome.
- No documentation
- API is a bit rough and ready
- The wrench icon used in the package logo is the Options, preferences, settings icon by iconify