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Update Conf Auth resource to fix recreation issue #378

merged 1 commit into from
Mar 16, 2023


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Description of the change

Fixes the repository_conf_auth resource re-creation issue by determining the http method (POST or PUT) during the resource creation. For further context see: Error when recreating terraform repository_conf_auth resource

Type of change

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change that fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change that adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)



  • Lint rules pass locally
  • The code changed/added as part of this pull request has been covered with tests
  • All tests related to the changed code pass in development

Code review

  • This pull request has a descriptive title and information useful to a reviewer. There may be a screenshot or screencast attached
  • Jira issue referenced in commit message and/or PR title


Tested the resource recreation manually and ran the automated tests. All tests passed, see the result below:

go test -v -race -timeout 20m
?    [no test files]
=== RUN   TestNewClient_WhenTLSSkipVerifyIsEnabled_ThenInsecureSkipVerifyIsTrue
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] Init NewClient
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] TokenSource: &{0xc0000bcf00 {0 0} <nil>}
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] End NewClient
--- PASS: TestNewClient_WhenTLSSkipVerifyIsEnabled_ThenInsecureSkipVerifyIsTrue (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNewClient_WhenTLSSkipVerifyIsDisabled_ThenInsecureSkipVerifyIsFalse
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] Init NewClient
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] TokenSource: &{0xc0000bcf30 {0 0} <nil>}
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] End NewClient
--- PASS: TestNewClient_WhenTLSSkipVerifyIsDisabled_ThenInsecureSkipVerifyIsFalse (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNewClient_WhenClientIDIsEmpty_ThenThrowError
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] Init NewClient
--- PASS: TestNewClient_WhenClientIDIsEmpty_ThenThrowError (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNewClient_WhenClientSecretIsEmpty_ThenThrowError
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] Init NewClient
--- PASS: TestNewClient_WhenClientSecretIsEmpty_ThenThrowError (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNewClient_WhenControlPlaneIsEmpty_ThenThrowError
2023/03/16 18:32:03 [DEBUG] Init NewClient
--- PASS: TestNewClient_WhenControlPlaneIsEmpty_ThenThrowError (0.00s)
ok     (cached)
=== RUN   TestAccDatalabelDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccDatalabelDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccRoleDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccRoleDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccSAMLCertificateDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccSAMLCertificateDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccSAMLConfigurationDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccSAMLConfigurationDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccSidecarBoundPortsDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccSidecarBoundPortsDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccSidecarCftTemplateDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccSidecarCftTemplateDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccSidecarIDDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccSidecarIDDataSource
=== RUN   TestAccSidecarInstanceIDsDataSource
=== PAUSE TestAccSidecarInstanceIDsDataSource
=== RUN   TestIntegrationsData_GetValue_Default
--- PASS: TestIntegrationsData_GetValue_Default (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestIntegrationsData_GetValue_Splunk
--- PASS: TestIntegrationsData_GetValue_Splunk (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAccProvider
--- PASS: TestAccProvider (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestAccDatalabelResource
=== PAUSE TestAccDatalabelResource
=== RUN   TestAccDatadogIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccDatadogIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccELKIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccELKIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccHCVaultIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccHCVaultIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDraftResource
=== PAUSE TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDraftResource
=== RUN   TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLResource
=== PAUSE TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLResource
=== RUN   TestAccIdPIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccIdPIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccLogstashIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccLogstashIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccLookerIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccLookerIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccDuoMFAIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccDuoMFAIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccPagerDutyIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccPagerDutyIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccSlackAlertsIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccSlackAlertsIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccSplunkIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccSplunkIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccSumoLogicIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccSumoLogicIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccMsTeamsIntegrationResource
=== PAUSE TestAccMsTeamsIntegrationResource
=== RUN   TestAccPolicyRuleResource
=== PAUSE TestAccPolicyRuleResource
=== RUN   TestPolicyRuleResourceUpgradeV0
--- PASS: TestPolicyRuleResourceUpgradeV0 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAccPolicyResource
=== PAUSE TestAccPolicyResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryAccessGatewayResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryAccessGatewayResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryAccessRulesResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryAccessRulesResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryBindingResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryBindingResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryConfAnalysisResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryConfAnalysisResource
=== RUN   TestRepositoryConfAnalysisResourceUpgradeV0
--- PASS: TestRepositoryConfAnalysisResourceUpgradeV0 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryConfAuthResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryConfAuthResource
=== RUN   TestRepositoryConfAuthResourceUpgradeV0
--- PASS: TestRepositoryConfAuthResourceUpgradeV0 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryDatamapResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryDatamapResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryNetworkAccessPolicyResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryNetworkAccessPolicyResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryResource
=== RUN   TestAccRepositoryUserAccountResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRepositoryUserAccountResource
=== RUN   TestAccRoleSSOGroupsResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRoleSSOGroupsResource
=== RUN   TestRoleSSOGroupsResourceUpgradeV0
--- PASS: TestRoleSSOGroupsResourceUpgradeV0 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAccRoleResource
=== PAUSE TestAccRoleResource
=== RUN   TestAccSidecarCredentialsResource
=== PAUSE TestAccSidecarCredentialsResource
=== RUN   TestSidecarListenerResource
=== PAUSE TestSidecarListenerResource
=== RUN   TestAccSidecarResource
=== PAUSE TestAccSidecarResource
=== RUN   TestElementsMatch
--- PASS: TestElementsMatch (0.00s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryDataSource
=== CONT  TestAccDuoMFAIntegrationResource
=== CONT  TestAccPagerDutyIntegrationResource
=== CONT  TestAccDatalabelResource
=== CONT  TestSidecarListenerResource
=== CONT  TestAccSidecarResource
=== CONT  TestAccRoleResource
=== CONT  TestAccSidecarCredentialsResource
--- PASS: TestAccSidecarCredentialsResource (7.61s)
=== CONT  TestAccRoleSSOGroupsResource
--- PASS: TestAccPagerDutyIntegrationResource (8.49s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryResource
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryUserAccountResource
--- PASS: TestAccDuoMFAIntegrationResource (8.82s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryDatamapResource
--- PASS: TestAccDatalabelResource (9.16s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryConfAuthResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryDataSource (15.61s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryNetworkAccessPolicyResource
--- PASS: TestAccRoleResource (19.66s)
--- PASS: TestAccRoleSSOGroupsResource (13.13s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryConfAnalysisResource
--- PASS: TestAccSidecarResource (27.90s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryAccessRulesResource
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryBindingResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryResource (19.96s)
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryConfAnalysisResource (9.07s)
=== CONT  TestAccRepositoryAccessGatewayResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryConfAuthResource (15.68s)
=== CONT  TestAccPolicyResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryDatamapResource (22.33s)
=== CONT  TestAccPolicyRuleResource
--- PASS: TestSidecarListenerResource (33.77s)
=== CONT  TestAccMsTeamsIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccPolicyResource (7.60s)
=== CONT  TestAccSplunkIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryBindingResource (10.67s)
=== CONT  TestAccSlackAlertsIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccMsTeamsIntegrationResource (6.54s)
=== CONT  TestAccLogstashIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryAccessRulesResource (15.07s)
=== CONT  TestAccLookerIntegrationResource
=== CONT  TestAccSumoLogicIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryNetworkAccessPolicyResource (24.00s)
=== CONT  TestAccIdPIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccSlackAlertsIntegrationResource (6.31s)
=== CONT  TestAccSAMLConfigurationDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccSplunkIntegrationResource (7.83s)
=== CONT  TestAccSidecarInstanceIDsDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryAccessGatewayResource (20.85s)
--- PASS: TestAccLookerIntegrationResource (8.52s)
=== CONT  TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDataSource
=== CONT  TestAccSidecarIDDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccSumoLogicIntegrationResource (8.27s)
--- PASS: TestAccPolicyRuleResource (21.22s)
=== CONT  TestAccDatadogIntegrationResource
=== CONT  TestAccSidecarBoundPortsDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccLogstashIntegrationResource (15.47s)
=== CONT  TestAccDatalabelDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccSAMLConfigurationDataSource (10.91s)
--- PASS: TestAccRepositoryUserAccountResource (50.30s)
=== CONT  TestAccSidecarCftTemplateDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccSidecarIDDataSource (8.58s)
=== CONT  TestAccSAMLCertificateDataSource
--- PASS: TestAccSidecarInstanceIDsDataSource (9.98s)
=== CONT  TestAccELKIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccDatadogIntegrationResource (8.90s)
=== CONT  TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLResource
=== CONT  TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDraftResource
--- PASS: TestAccSAMLCertificateDataSource (6.37s)
--- PASS: TestAccELKIntegrationResource (9.66s)
=== CONT  TestAccRoleDataSource
=== CONT  TestAccHCVaultIntegrationResource
--- PASS: TestAccSidecarBoundPortsDataSource (15.24s)
--- PASS: TestAccSidecarCftTemplateDataSource (13.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDataSource (21.86s)
--- PASS: TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLDraftResource (11.91s)
--- PASS: TestAccRoleDataSource (8.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccHCVaultIntegrationResource (9.16s)
--- PASS: TestAccDatalabelDataSource (23.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccIntegrationIdPSAMLResource (22.47s)
--- PASS: TestAccIdPIntegrationResource (46.09s)
ok      92.165s

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sonarcloud bot commented Mar 16, 2023

Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!    Quality Gate passed

Bug A 0 Bugs
Vulnerability A 0 Vulnerabilities
Security Hotspot A 0 Security Hotspots
Code Smell A 0 Code Smells

No Coverage information No Coverage information
0.0% 0.0% Duplication

@wcmjunior wcmjunior merged commit 595038a into main Mar 16, 2023
@wcmjunior wcmjunior deleted the fix/ENG-11209 branch March 16, 2023 23:55
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