#Darknet4j_2# This java project is migrated from darknet, and only implemented the part of detector train and detector test by now. Originally, we want it as a bridge to Neural-Networks/Deep-Learning for a java programmer.
The file darknet_jni_wrapper.dll is for win7 x64, compiled by vc++2015, functions of read/write png of stbi(an image lib in stb_image.h and stb_image_write.h).
The program enter is java class cn.darknet(By convention, Java class name usually starts with an uppercase letter. But here we not. We will be as possible as closer to the dartnet code.) The training and testing data set is CelebA, some sample of it in the directory data/CelebA/.
IDE is eclipse with a maven plugin supported.
By convention, darknet/src/.c will be src/main/java/cn/.java, helpers will be in src/main/java/cn/wrapper/*_wrapper.java. Some stable functions will be put in src/main/java/cn/drknt/lib/ .