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semantic-release: angular Release




Production use

Remember to mention how to secure docker socket.

Development use

Remember to mention how to configure /etc/hosts or dnsmasq, and how to create local certificates with mkcert

Brief technical overview


  • Describe: -- How to download it and use it -- How to use BASE_ host environment variables to update container environment variables -- Document SCRIPT_ environment variables used to generate env files -- Difference between BASE_, SCRIPT_ and MAGENTO_ environment variables -- How PHP CLI init Magento platform script works -- How PHP CLI cron Magento platform script works -- How to use Dev Containers and Xdebug in development environment -- How to enable cron and cli container using the COMPOSE_PROFILE environment variable -- How Docker Compose files and profiles are used differently to extend infra -- That the deploy script was only tested in Debian 12 -- Explain that the deploy scripts must be run using a user with sudo privileges -- Advice that for now all scripts to init environment were tested and work in Linux (Debian 12) -- Advice that to execute init scripts is required bash -- *Advice that the init scripts should be executed in the same folder where the docker-compose.yml files are located to avoid stat /var/www/dockgento/src/setup/bin/docker-compose.yml: no such file or directory error -- Advice to execute init script using . bin/ to be able to set environment variables in current shell ( -- Advice that CLI script will require bash -- Advice it is required a user with sudo privileges to execute bootstrap script commands -- Document how PHP CLI, FPM and FPM-DEV images/services, differ. Document that the CLI image has all the scripts to install, manage and deploy the platform. The FPM is the responsible of attending PHP request, but the FPM-DEV image is particularly useful to work with Dev Containers, because when Xdebug cookie session is set, the Nginx will redirect requests to them (that is why it has Composer, Node, Redis CLI and MariaDB CLI installed), so it is possible to just connect to that container to debug and implement features inside it -- Document how request flow works. Traefik works as an SSL termination that redirects requests to Varnish, and Varnish configures web services name as its backend origin server (check vcl config file), so Nginx service should have that name so it receives the request and redirect them to FPM service or FPM-DEV service (depending if Xdebug cookie is set) -- Document that is not required to add extra_hosts configuration to Docker Compose files to be able to map host.docker.internal hostname to host (to be able to use Xdebug), because image entrypoints already add respective host inside /etc/hosts file -- Document how environment files are structured. Explain that service env files inherits common environment variables from .env file. The .env file is the entrypoint and main point to define common environment variables and general environment variables. -- *Explain the idea of dockgento and KISS. The idea is to just setup the necessary Docker Compose environment and then any additional steps using Docker Compose commands and services scripts (like start the environment, installing a Magento platform, etc.) * -- Explain the it is possible to use just docker compose up -d because it is used the environment variable COMPOSE_FILE inside the .env to the define the respective Docker Compose files to use taking into consideration the environment defined -- Mention how to work with credentials that are persisted inside the environment files in a production environment -- Explain how the dockgento script works (the use of the environment variables, envsubst command, .dockgento_profile file, etc.) -- Remember to mention to init the cron service if it is necessary with docker compose start cron -- Document how to use the different scripts of the cli service (like the one that allows the installation of a Magento platform or the setup of a Magento platform)
    -- Analyze if there is a way to encapsulate the repetitive code that is done inside install dependencies logic (that installs a given tool like docker or mkcert) -- Analyze if there is a way to improve envsubst_files command in deploy script -- Improve scripts validations before execution (dockgento init, dockgento mage-install, dockgento mage-setup) -- Improve log messages in PHP CLI image scripts -- For now, installer add dockgento as a bash command but improve this logic so it is added as other shell command -- Document the one line to installer the CLI: git clone && chmod +x dockgento/src/bin/setup/ && ./dockgento/src/bin/setup/ && source ~/.bash_profile && rm -rf dockgento/ -- Document that to access mailhog mail service in development environment, it is used the platform domain and the port 8025 -- Document that to Docker rootless installation, avoid switching to user using sudo and su because known error: docker/docs#14491 - -- Mention that the dockgento mage-setup does not create an entry in /etc/hosts because it is supposed that it already exists a way to redirect to the old platform that now uses this new environment. -- Document that dockgento will ask for sudo password because there are certain operation that requires it (like editing the /etc/hosts file) -- Explain the .dockgento_profile file (based in .bash_profile) and what each environment variable does (and when it is used - when it is required for certain environment): --- BASE_DOCKER_PATH="${SCRIPT_DOCKER_PATH}" --- BASE_USER_EMAIL="${SCRIPT_USER_EMAIL}" --- BASE_DOMAIN="${SCRIPT_DOMAIN}" --- BASE_MARIADB_DB_NAME="${SCRIPT_MARIADB_DB_NAME}" --- BASE_MARIADB_DB_USER="${SCRIPT_MARIADB_USER}" --- BASE_MARIADB_DB_PASSWORD="${SCRIPT_MARIADB_PASSWORD}" --- BASE_MARIADB_VERSION="${SCRIPT_MARIADB_VERSION}" --- BASE_RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER="${SCRIPT_RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER}" --- BASE_RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS="${SCRIPT_RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS}" --- BASE_SMTP_HOST="${SCRIPT_SMTP_HOST}" --- BASE_SMTP_PORT="${SCRIPT_SMTP_PORT}" --- BASE_DEV_DOC_ROOT_DIR="${SCRIPT_DEV_DOC_ROOT_DIR}" --- BASE_PHP_VERSION="${SCRIPT_PHP_VERSION}" --- BASE_SEARCH_SERVICE="${SCRIPT_SEARCH_SERVICE}" --- BASE_SEARCH_JAVA_OPTS="${SCRIPT_SEARCH_JAVA_OPTS}" --- COMPOSE_FILE="${SCRIPT_COMPOSE_FILE}" --- COMPOSER_MAGENTO_USERNAME="${SCRIPT_COMPOSER_MAGENTO_USERNAME}" --- COMPOSER_MAGENTO_PASSWORD="${SCRIPT_COMPOSER_MAGENTO_PASSWORD}" --- MAGENTO_VERSION="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_VERSION}" --- MAGENTO_RUN_MODE="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_RUN_MODE}" --- MAGENTO_STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_JOBS="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_JOBS}" --- MAGENTO_ADMIN_FIRSTNAME="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_ADMIN_FIRSTNAME}" --- MAGENTO_ADMIN_LASTNAME="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_ADMIN_LASTNAME}" --- MAGENTO_ADMIN_USER="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_ADMIN_USER}" --- MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --- MAGENTO_SEARCH_ENGINE="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_SEARCH_ENGINE}" --- MAGENTO_SEARCH_ENGINE_HOST="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_SEARCH_ENGINE_HOST}" --- MAGENTO_SEARCH_ENGINE_PORT="${SCRIPT_MAGENTO_SEARCH_ENGINE_PORT}" --- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="${SCRIPT_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" --- NGINX_WORKER_PROCESSES="${SCRIPT_NGINX_WORKER_PROCESSES}" --- NGINX_WORKER_CONNECTIONS="${SCRIPT_NGINX_WORKER_CONNECTIONS}"


Detailed changes for each release are documented in


This work is published under MIT License.


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