VESL (Visual EcmaScript Language)[]
The changes required to support expressions, the additonal characters required
to validate/check the state of, this actually diverges significantly from the
existing JSON parser(s). The content of 'expressions' or object/array containers,
is always placed immedinately into the field/name/tag that preceeds it, (except the
topmost level). That is {"a":{"b":1}}
there was no additional space to track
a list of values in a field, a.b
for instance, and the value 'b' and all it contains
is actually immediatly on A. So declaring a function which has an argument name map
followed by a code expression lost that they were two separate expressions.
symbol | within | comments |
[] |
frames an array of expressions. Expressions are seprated by ',' and 'quoted' with (), {}, '', "", '' | |
{} , () |
frames expressions which may optionally have a name. | |
whitespace <SP>,<TAB>,<CR>,<NL>,0xFEFF,<;>,<,>,#2028,#2029 |
[] |
seprates elements. #2029, Newline, tab, CR, ';' are 'hard' spaces whereas everything else is a 'soft' space. |
] |
[] |
ends elements, terminates last expression element and \0 terminate here. |
? |
{} or () |
ternary comparitor; next ':' is actually in expression and not name. |
: or = |
{} or () |
separates a name for the field from the value of the field. |
whitespace <SP>,<TAB>,<CR>,<NL>,0xFEFF,<;>,<,> |
{} or () |
seprates fields/expressions. If a ':' is not before ',', value is an unnamed expression. |
[ |
{} or () |
starts an array |
( or [ |
{} or () |
starts a new framed expression with optionally named expressions. |
" ' ``` |
string constant begin | |
" ' ` |
[ |
string constant begin |
" ' ` |
{ or ( |
string constant begin; break prior token as un-eval, on closoe quote link and begin new un-eval |
" ' ` |
" ' ``` |
if not prefixed with a '' close the string constant. |
\\ |
" ' ` |
introduce special character handling escape within string. If prefixed with an escape, is the \ itself. |
[0[X,x,O,o,B,b,\.]].[0-9\.,[a-,A-]]*,eE[0-9]*] or something like \d+|\d+\.\d+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\d+\.\d+[+-]E\d+ |
ANY | A number; sometimes is float (with . and/or E). Leave +/- operator as un-eval to be processed later. |
(Operator) | Operators are a class of base symbols, plus user defined character sequences that a definitive separators |
Generally, parenthesis and braces are interchangable, and allow for code styling to separate a code expression(or an expression with 'code' in it) from an expression to be evalatuated as code within a code expression.
Within an expression, the first token may be one of ...
token type | after token | context description |
Identifier, String | ':' | define an acculator (variable label). |
Identifier,String | '(' | Invoke a function, the expression contained in the () is invoked |
'(' | ')' | (after an accumulator definition) defines a function |
(after a function definition) ?? Invoke the function now also? | ||
(otherwise) attempt to call previous accumulator as a function passing the current expression as arguments |
ident : /*... a variable */
ident( /* ... call function */
ident : /*... */ )( /* ... define function expression */
ident : /*... */ )( /* ... */ )( /* ... Illegal? */
f( /* ... */ )( /* ... calls result as function */
/* . */ the dot value is the current return value.
/* (.).xxx */ a field member xxx in the return value.
/* .xxx */ the xxx value in the current context
/* .xxx: */ define a variable that is private(public? opinions?)
These strings and sets of strings define the set of 'operator's.
static const char *ops = "=<>+-*/%^~!&|?:.";
// for each Op above, they may be followed by one of these....
static const char *op2[] = {
/*=*/ "==",
/*<*/ "<=",
/*>*/ ">=", /* >> >= */
/*+*/ "+=", /* ++ += */
/*-*/ "-=",
/***/ "=",
/*/*/ "=",
/*%*/ "=", /* ^= */
/*^*/ "=", /* ^= */
/*~*/ "=", /* ~= */
/*!*/ "=><&|", /* != !> !< !& !| */
/*&*/ "=&", /* &= && */
/*|*/ "=|", /* |= || */
/*?*/ NULL, /* no combinations */
/*:*/ NULL, /* no combinations */
/*.*/ NULL /* no combinations */
// no support (yet) for 3 character operators.
I plan to be able to extend the list of ops
that can be matched, each of those optionally followed by another character op2
Which can also end up aliasing the above operators into some other character set entirely.
Phase 1 Parsing : parse high level stream of symbols. Gather into named strings of unknown type.
- ex: arrays contain arrays objects and primitive values.
- a token has contents. These contents are separated by commas.
- A string token does not have contents, it instead has a link to the next token(s). Phase 2 Parsing : process expressions for operators and functions.
- ex:
Evaluation of expressions.... (see below)
With the above, all static data constructs can be represented, and the only thing it lacks
is code or function. That is there's nothing that DOES anything in JSON. So within the scope of
JSON there are a few things that are available to fork from error condition to instead becoming meaningful.
One is an identifier as defined below in Syntax Definition and ES6; that is words that are not keywords
that are outside of quotes. If one of these is found, then a proper name that can be a variable
can be defined. A variable then needs to have a value =
, so really the first new construct to add is 'Assignment'.
- (syntax below) 'identifier ='
The other is definitions for functions. Functions get a set of zero or more identifiers to later reference the passed parameters. They also have a sequence of expressions to execute.
- (syntax below) '( [argument name map...] ) [{ or (] [ ObjectField [, ObjectFIeld]... ] [) or }] '
With the above, a simple parser that scans for [{(]
, [
, "
, '
, \``,
/` can be built
For the declaration of a code fragment, ( to ) and { to } are treated as quotes, counting internal opens/closes of the same
type. The code string will be parsed later phase. (If that is standardized, then all paren expressions can be delay parsed)
Additionally, some additional keywords handling within Objects should be added... getters/setters and operator overloads. Also the previous FunctionDeclaration should be allowed within the context of an object.
`<identifier>:get (... index operator args...) ( /*result expression */ )`
`<identifier>:set (value) (expression)`
`'operator text' : (...) ( /* depending on operator, variable arguments */ )`
..., expand [...arg]
These operator that are valid within an Expression or Code
All Operators, and flow control keywords
+ - -(unary) * / % << >> >>> <| |> = := ==(=)
! && ||
~ & !& | !| ^ = !+ < !>= <= !> > !<= >= !<
? :
if switch case default break while for do continue goto(?) stop
this holder(?) base caller(?)
These are some example statements. Notable things, 'var' is no longer 'required' (not that it is already I guess)
An expression with comma separators evalutes each expression delimited by the commas in order; this
is exactly the same behavior as (for example C statements separated by a semicolon instead).
The very last expression evaluated is the result of the expression (return value of a function).
the 'stop' keyword ends execution within an expression; this allows building 'return ' constructs.
Comma and Semi-colon are interchangable
and ()
are (semi)interchangable; except where objects are defined.
// Assignment examples
var = 3
object = { asdf : 5 };
array = [ 1,2,3 ];
// function declaration examples
f()( console.log( "code goes here" ), a=3, b=a*3 );
g(){ console.log( "A more comfortable notation?" ), a=3, b=a*3 };
h(a,b) { console.log( "arguments passed", a, b ); }
i(a,b) (h)
// function invocation examples
// this would call a function, and assign 5 to a variable 'a'
// if 'a' was previously a function overwrite reference.
i(3,4) a=5
// optional = to define a function?
// what's the diff between f=()() and f(){} ?
// to invoke a function which a function returned, close the invocation in parenthesis
// these two are not the same....
o = { a: 3 },b=3
o = ({ a: 3 },b=3)
(loosely based on ECMA Script syntax specification) Usually an expression's value is the evaluation of the last ExpressionToken in the expression. Two exceptions to this, and both are very common operations, so perhaps this is the usual case; ArgumentsExpression is a list of identifiers, it is a symbol table containing all of the symbols specified, and Two the CallExpression all individual expression parts are retained and passed to the function specified to call.
There is automatic separator Insertion ,
or ;
on newlines, rules to be expanded )
Assignment ::
- Identifier = Expression
FunctionDeclaration ::
- ArgumentsExpression CodeExpression
FunctionInvocation ::
- Identifier CallExpression [NonExpression terminator]
NonExpression ::
- Identifier
- Operator
- CloseExpression
- LineTerminatorSequence
- ExprSeparator
ArgumentsExpression ::
- ( Identifier [ ExprSeparator Identifier ]... )
CodeExpression ::
- Expression
CallExpression ::
- Expression; but all scalar values are passed
Expression ::
- ( ExpressionToken [ ExprSeparator ExpressionToken ] )
- { ExpressionToken [ ExprSeparator ExpressionToken ] }
CloseExpression ::
- ) // (as matching what the open of the expression was )
- }
ExpressionToken ::
- Assignment
- FunctionDeclaration
- FunctionInvokation
ExprSeparator ::
- ,
- ;
- \n if within CodeExpression, but not within a contained Expression
incomplete reference... just you know, strings. continue collecting until the same quote. StringLiteral ::
- " [DoubleStringCharacters]... "
- ' [SingleStringCharacters]... '
[SingleTickStringCharacters] ...
DoubleStringCharacters ::
- DoubleStringCharacter DoubleStringCharactersopt
SingleStringCharacters ::
- SingleStringCharacter SingleStringCharactersopt
DoubleStringCharacter ::
- SourceCharacter but not one of " or \ or LineTerminator
- \ EscapeSequence
- LineContinuation
Identifier ::
- StringLiteral
- IdentifierName
IdentifierName ::
- IdentifierStart
- IdentifierName IdentifierPart
IdentifierStart ::
- UnicodeIDStart
- $
- _
- \ UnicodeEscapeSequence
IdentifierPart ::
- UnicodeIDContinue
- $
- _
- \ UnicodeEscapeSequence
UnicodeIDStart ::
- any Unicode code point with the Unicode property ID_Start UnicodeIDContinue ::
- any Unicode code point with the Unicode property ID_Continue
LineTerminatorSequence ::
- [lookprior = ]
- // not [lookahead ≠ ]
PrimitiveValue ::
- Number (float/int), NaN, Infinity
- Boolean (true/false)
- StringLiteral
- null
- undefined
ObjectSpecification ::
- { ObjectField [ ExprSeparator ObjectField] }
- [Identifier ':'] PrimitiveValue
- [Identifier ':'] FunctionDeclaration
- Identifier ':' get FunctionDeclaration
- Identifier ':' set FunctionDeclaration
- [Identifier ':'] ObjectSpecification
ObjectMerge ::
- ObjectSpecification : ObjectSpecification
ObjectMerge provides an inheritance operator, that the object used to result from the first ObjectSpecification is used for the second ObjectSpecification's fields, resulting in a single, merged object
The methods defined in the second ObjectSpecification may reference 'base' which is a method by that name from the original object before overridden with this name. (Virtual function overload)
Some more complex methods, like how does a code bit in a function react?
FunctionInvocation ':' FunctionDeclaration
The definition of a 'derrives from' code-path is a function invocation, follwed by a colon.
That is to say it is not an expression that evaluates to a function invocation.
The result of the function invocation is used as the existing accumlulartor, evalutaing the CodeExpression with the acculator set to the same value. (Or; and probably more accurately, when then function is invoked on the left of the colon, the acculator is set the the current acculator of the invoked derrived class.
That a sub-contracted constructor was invoked, this information is retained on a stack of type information in the accumulator. The complete type of this is equal if the entire stack matches.
Any non-builtin type coersion must be done manually. This is accomplished by having by creating a new object of the specified type with an argument of the original type.
Vector:()( { x : 0, y : 0
// these would be 'compiled' __prototype methods of Vector()
, scale:(n)( x*=n,y*=n,this )
, add:(v){ x+=v.x, y += v.y, this }
, norm:(v)( l=length, x/=l, y/=l, this )
, length:get() { Math.sqrt( x*x+y*y ) }
, scalar:get(n) { if n==0 x else y }
} )
// create a vector3 from vector overloading its methods
// invoke Vector as constructor on 'this'
Vector() : {
// add a field 'z' to the current accumulator.
z: 0
// these would be 'compiled' __prototype methods of Vector3()
, scale:(n) ( base.scale(n), z*=n )
, add:(v) (base.add(v),z+=v.z )
, norm:(v)(l=length, x/=l, y/=l, this )
, length:get() { Math.sqrt( x*x+y*y +z*z) }
, scalar:get(n) { if n==0 x else if(n==1) y else z }
// addition class fields can be defined here...
// these are more like static fields for the 'class'
// contectualy this would be a new acculator returned on '.' as a result of
// invoking Vector3()
privateField : 123
otherMethod : () ( /* code */ )
myVector = Vector3();
// create accumulator 'myVector'
// set accumulator for Vector3 invocation;
// invoke Vector3
// set accumulator for vecotr invocation;
// invoke Vector
// evalutate code expression after `(vector())`
// evaluate remaing expressions in Vector3(); which can
// also define registers/methods...
// so this would be a shorthand of the above...
// an invokation of vector() on '.' and then pass to empty expression,
// which results with '.' unchanged;
Vector() : ;
------ Operator Overload?
only if left and right operands of an overloaded type are the same object type. (see lua?)
typeof operator needs to result with the accumulator type first, and then what native types exist.
vector(a,b) {
_x : a||0
_y : b||0
// these get converted to .prototype on this object
scale:(n)( x*=n, y*=n, this )
=: (v) ( (v)?(._x=v.x, ._y=v.y), .=this )
+: (v) { (v)?( (.)._x=x+v.x, (.)._y=y+v.y ) : ( (.)._x+=x, (.)._y+=y ) }
-: () { x = -x, y=-y, this }
-: (v) { Vector( x-v.x, y-v.y ) }
add:(v){ x+=v.x,y += v.y, this }
norm:(v)( @l=length, x/=l, y/=l, this )
length: get() { Math.sqrt( x*x+y*y ) }
scalar: get(n) { if n==0 x else y }
(whatever expression)
{whatever expression}
meta : add( vector(1,1) )
norm:()( _x /= length, _y /= length )
//[...].forEach( thing=> do thing with thing )
// create a vector3 from vector overloading its methods
vector(a,b) : {
#z = c||0
scale:(n) ( _scale(n), z*=n )
add:(v) ( _add(v),z+=v.z )
norm:(v)( #l=length, x/=l, y/=l, this )
length :get() { Math.sqrt( x*x+y*y +z*z) }
scalar :get(n) { if n==0 x else if(n==1) y else z }
} );
Was implementing this with only partial decomposition; which loses a lot availalbe to the first level....
So what's the symbolic structure of this stuff?
- a primitive
- a name ( exported by prefixing with '.' )
- 2a) =
- 2b) :
- 2c) :=
- 2d) (
2dA) )
2dB) a name )
2dC) a name [, another name]... )
2dD- anything not a comma
or a valid Identifer(string)- 2d.1)
2e) (
- 2eA) )
- 2eB) an expression )
- 2eB1) [.] a name =
- 2eB2) a name (other operator)
- 2eC) an Expression [, expression]... )
- 2eD- anything not a comma
or a valid Identifer(string)
a name is also 'a variable reference' is
I feel like this is inevitably a chicken and egg definition... There are primitive types, these are grouped into expressions
that have names mapping the values or ordered lists (array) which themselves contain just the primvimitves.
Number, String, bool, null, undefined.
Then expressions either result in a single primitive value, or an expression of named primites or ordered list of unnamed primitives. (or lists of those)...
The result of a single expression can be one of, a primitive value, an array, or an expression. A function is a named expression which provides names of symbols for the expression to evaluate with to be later paired with the expression used as calling arguments.
An expression may contain an expression list. Expression lists are expressions.
Functions are lists of expressions that have operators and operations that will be evaluated.
Functions evaluate their opnodes in parallel with accumulator(s) for the values of the resolved expressions.
- allocate an accumulator, call expression evaluator.
- for each expression, if the expression is named, get the public/private accumulator, init to undefined,
- 2a) if expression is a primitive, assign to active accumulator.
- 2b) if the expression is an expression, resolve expression with existing accumulator.
- 2c) if expression[List] is not closed in parenthesis, advance and retain accumulators
- 2d)
if expression node is a function call....
- the existing accumulator for the current expression is passed
- the expression vector is not resolved to a single scalar, and is mapped to function's argument name definitions.
- the context of the function, the function has variables to be scoped...
- 3a) the expression itself.
- 3b) All immediately defined expression containers. ( a: 1, ( b : a ) )
- 3c) The expression containing the function definition
- 3c 1) ( a: 1, f()( b:a ) )
- 3c 2) ( a: 1, f()( b:.a ) )
- 3c 3) ( a: 1, f()( b:.a, c:., c.b*=3 ) )
- 3d 4) ( a: 1, f:()( b:.a, c:., c.b*=3 ), g = (n)(.*n),f().b,g(5) )
Referencing 'this' ?
- a and (.).a are equivalent. (.) is the current accumulator.
- .a : a member in
. 'this' is actually the accumulator containing the current accumulator. - (.).a :
- (.).(.).a :
- (.).(.).(.).a :
3e) universal common implementations
- All operators have universal common implementations that are used as a default if operator not found in any previous context.
for each expression
operators take the prior accumulator value, and a new value, and apply an operation, updating the accumulator..
functions take the prior accumulator value(!), one value or a vector of anonymous values to be matched with function parameter declaration (?)
Functions receive a special parmeter '.' which is the current value of the expression accumluator.
In the case of 1+3*6/2-1
an accumulator is created and inialized to empty; a constant is found, and
the accumulator is set to that value. The next token is an operator(function call) which will be
passed the next token as an argument; if the token is a value. It then applies the current accumulator ./*1*/ + 3
./*4*/ * 6
, ./*24*/ / 2
, ./*12*/-1
- accumulator is a empty, expression is constant
- 1a) accumulator becomes expression value
- accumulator is a value, expression is a constant
2a) create accumulator within current value ( ex: VALUE_NUMBER contains VALUE_NUMBER, STRING,STRING,OBJECT ); current accumulator is updated to this.
2.5) accumulator is empty, expression is an operation, followed by a parenthized value.
- accumuator is empty, expression is an operation, followed by a non-parenthized value More on 3? The value evaluates to a single value? The value does not have any operators in it?
3.0) get a new accumaultor for the right side value(s)
3.1) if next expression is a value
3.2) while( next expression is a vaue )
3.3) do NOT evaluate expressions now, pass them instead
3a) if( !. ) throw ...
3b) if( !. ) NaN
3c) don't care about prior
test : { // class test
noArgs: ( 3 ) // returns 3 After evaulation (could be static compiled to a constant)
mul1:a (.*=a) //
tern:a[,] b (.?a:b) // ( if . then a else b )
mul2:(a[,] b[,] c) (.*=a)
// calls function with no arguments.
// (any operator other than ( following this triggers invocation))
// as in this dense expression, noArgs gets called with no arguments.
// argument NULL
// as in this dense expression, noArgs gets called with no arguments.
// argument value_type can be VALUE_EXPRESSION
// a function called with 1 argument. The argument value_type would be VALUE_NUMBER
9 test.mul1 5
// another example
4 test.mul1 6
// calling this way resolves all of the expression parts in the parenthesis
// each expression part is kept as a member of the accumulator created for '('.
3 test.mul2(5)
1 3 5
1, 3, 5
1; 3; 5
* + / -
noArgs noArgs mul1 3
noArgs, noArgs, mul1 3
(noArgs) (noArgs) mul1 3
3 3 * 3
3 9
N F (N N) N N
N F(N) F F F N
expression contains[0] is right. Some (most) operators could deal with a list of contains.
- have an accumulator.
- accumulator string is the previous opcode
- if node is a value, set accumulator to value.
- if node is an expression
, get an accumulator, evaluate expression.
- if node is an expression
- if the node is an operation, use existing accumulator, (build arguments)
Some operations need accumulators to communicate; these should be resolvable at expression parsing time.
'get an accumulator' accumulator text might be '(' '+' 'if'
if() [then] () else ()
This is the existing JSON reference that was mentioend before; mostly to analyze what the actual required changes would be; or to identify differences.
This resulted in realizing that only ver topmost structure operations remain the same, collection of identifiers and operators has to be entirely different.
symbol | comments |
{ } |
contexts : 1) object 2) code definition |
[] |
context 1) array |
"" |
constant strings (template string not quite constant?) |
[-,0-9,eE[0-9]*] , true , false , null |
constants |
: |
separates fields and values within context of an object |
, |
separates fields within an object and arrays |
With the above, a simple parser that scans for {
, [
, "
, -
, 0-9
, [tfn] can be built
for quick scanning structure of a JSON string.
symbol | comments |
All JSON Above | |
'' , ` ` |
added other quotes constant strings (template string not quite constant?) |
+ , . , Infinity , NaN , undefined |
(+leading to numbers added) constants |
// , /* */ |
comments |
Very minor addition in the space of handling named constants true
and false
, can
add handling for other Math values that are meaningful; and allow leading + for numbers.
Also a very minor pre-scan that enables a pre-scan filter for comments hardly impacts the exsiting parsing.
With the above, a simple parser that scans for {
, [
, "
, '
, `
, [-,+,.,0-9]
, [INutfn]
, /
can be built
THis is some musings about symbols used in programs and programming.
Anything new is of course, new, and will suck... BUT
These are structure characters of the base JSON
{} [] : ,
` ' "
These are standard 'operator symbols' with other common meanings.
! % ^ & * ( ) - + = ~ < > |
These are symbols used in sepraration (also part of the above baser structure)
, ; \
These are symbols, which are used, in JS as identifier characters
$ _
THese are probably also identifier characters in JS.
@ #
f #= (n) {
@ = n==2 ? 1: n*f(n-1);
// what is the top level 'accumulator'
@ = n*f(n-1);
f(n) /* ; */ /* , */
{ }
JS emittted code for accumulator
function2 = (arg1) { @ = 5 * arg; } function function2( at, arg1 ) { at['@'] = 5; }
{ @ = user; @.age = computeAge( @ ); }
function2(3) function2( {'@':undefined}, arg1 )
a = function(3) var Λ; function2( Λ = {'@':undefined}, arg1 ); a = Λ['@'];
functionName = (arg1,arg2){ @ = 3; t = @; @ = @ * arg1 + arg2 + t*t }
function1 = (arg1) { @ = function2( arg1 ) * 3 }
function1 = (arg1) { @ = arg1 * function1( arg1 ) * 3 }
function1 = (arg1) { if arg1<2 @=1; else @ = function1( arg1-1 ) }
function functionName ( at, arg1, arg2 ) {at['@'] = 3; }
// return 3;
at['@'] = 3;
//return function2( arg1 );
function2( at, arg1 );
//var t = function2( arg1 )
t = function2( {'@':undefined}, arg1 );
// could just do simple tail-call results.
// JS target isn't multi-threaded, hard to argue that the meta result could be returned
// but then that thing that's the object to update could just be passed as a paramter
// and not on the @ state.
function function2( at, arg1 ) { at['@'] = 5; }
return at;