This is just my progress in solving Project Euler questions using different programming languages.
If you don't know Project Euler is a website that host 800+ math questions to solve using your computer language of your choice.
While questions can be solved using bruteforce, it is encouraged to solve them under 1 minute. Here is my collection of solutions for the questions as I am currently working towards them. I have initially worked using Swift but have switched to using Python 3.
Question | Name | Time (sec) |
001 | Multiples of 3 or 5 | 0.0001 |
002 | Even Fibonacci Numbers | 0.00004 |
003 | The Largest Prime Factor | 0.72 |
004 | Largest Palindrome Product | 0.4 |
005 | Smallest Multiple | 0.0003 |
006 | Sum Square Difference | 0.00006 |
007 | 10001st Prime | 0.15 |
008 | The Largest Product in a Series | 0.006 |
009 | Special Pythagorean triplet | 1.82 |
010 | Summation of Primes | 1.35 |
011 | Largest product in a grid | 0.0012 |