Write turing machines for NU Theory of Comp in an simpler format so they're less confusing and easier to debug. Transpiles to tint
You do not need to clone this repo. Just install node.js and use npx
in your terminal:
npx dajinchu/tint-short INFILE OUTFILE
to compile short machine INFILE to OUTFILE. IN should be a .yaml
See samples
Everything is the same, except the transitions list looks like:
# Write new letter
# from state, if letter "a" transition to new_state, write "out" and move the tape
a: [new_state, out, R]
# Don't write (write same letter)
# from state, if letter "b" transition to new_state, and move the tape
b: [new_state, R]
# Accept
# from state, if letter "c" accept
c: accept
Letters that result in rejection do NOT need to be specified. (sort of like an NFA)
this would compile to:
- [state, _, reject, _, R]
- [state, a, new_state, out, R]
- [state, b, new_state, b, R]
- [state, c, accept, _, R]
- [state, d, reject, _, R] # If d is a possible letter, a reject gets auto-inserted
A turing machine that decides whether strings over {a, b} have more a's than b's:
start: start
accept: accept
reject: reject
a: [ find_b, _, R]
b: [ find_a, _, R]
x: [ start, _, R]
a: [ return, x, L]
b: [ find_a, R]
x: [ find_a, R]
_: accept
a: [ find_b, R]
b: [ return, x, L]
x: [ find_b, R]
_: [ start, R]
a: [ return, L]
b: [ return, L]
x: [ return, L]
start: start
accept: accept
reject: reject
- [start, _, reject, _, R]
- [start, a, find_b, _, R]
- [start, b, find_a, _, R]
- [start, x, start, _, R]
- [find_a, _, reject, _, R]
- [find_a, a, return, x, L]
- [find_a, b, find_a, b, R]
- [find_a, x, find_a, x, R]
- [find_b, _, accept, _, R]
- [find_b, a, find_b, a, R]
- [find_b, b, return, x, L]
- [find_b, x, find_b, x, R]
- [return, _, start, _, R]
- [return, a, return, a, L]
- [return, b, return, b, L]
- [return, x, return, x, L]