Couch Potato is a data adapter for CouchDB, a generic server that lets you easily read from various data sources and put that data into CouchDB.
Start a couchpotato process with the url to a database, couchpotato will create this database if it doesnt exist, then listen to the database for scheduled jobs.
$ node couchpotato.js
Once the process is started, to schedule a job you write a document to the database, each job takes a custom job description which you can find documented below, this example will read the homepage every out and save the results to your local database myscreenscapes
{ "worker": "webpage"
, "ttl": 60 * 60 * 100
, "opts": {"uri":"}
, "destination": "myscreenscrapes"
There are a few common global attributes you can add to jobs, they are all optional
- (defaults to 30 minutes) This is the time in milliseconds between subsequen runs of the jobdestination
- This is the database that the results get written to, you can specify a full url (including auth details), if you only specify a string it will get saved to the same host that thecouchpotato
database is.opaque
- This will passed through and written in the same
{ "worker": "webpage"
, "ttl": 60 * 60 * 100
, "opts": {"uri":"}
, "destination": "myscreenscrapes"
This is currently the only worker written.
- RSS reader
- Twitter API reader (problem with oauth?)
- Github Issues
- POP / Email Reader
- Foursquare / Gowalla etc