AGcms is a simple CMS that I built around 2004, since it still has active users, I try to maintain the code base and use it to experiment with differnet tools. The maintenance mostly revolve around keeping the backend in decent shape, code wise.
The PHP source is found in application/inc It's structured to be similar to Laravel
The JavaScript source is found in source/javascript It's transpiled using webpack, meaning you can write ES6 and having it still work on older browsers that only support ES5
It's recommended to follow the install guides for each prerequisite linked above
also depends on wget and unzip
will install the project dependencies, except for php development dependencies
Run the following three commands if you would like to install all dependencies
cd application
composer install
The project comes with a docker-compose.yml that will run an nginx server on port 80 and MySQL on 3306 by default To start it simply run:
docker compose up -d
If you want to setup a server manually you need to point it to the application folder, you will find the needed sql files for the database in the source folder.
You can run the PHP unit tests via the following command from the project root
php application/vendor/bin/phpunit
Run the
Upload the content of the application folder to your webserver
If you discover a security vulnerability within AGcms, please create an issue on github All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed
AGcms is open-sourced software licensed under the GPL-2.0 license As such you are free to base your site on it If you decide to do so I would love to hear about it :)