- 👋 Hi, I’m David Roméo AMEDOMEY @damedomey
- 👀 My previous interest was in system and network administration and cyber security, but I have developed a new interest in DevOps.
- 🌱 I am currently a master student in computer science at the University Côte d'Azur.
- 💞️ I am looking to collaborate on projects that will allow me to learn new things. Obviously cyber security or administration oriented.
- 📫 How to reach me ...
- I master the basics of system administration (Linux in particular)
- Web development (front and backend) using HTML, CSS(bootstrap), JS (nodejs, jquery), Java, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB
- Mobile development with Flutter
- Development of desktop applications Frankly, I rarely make desktop applications (actually)... I usually develop desktop applications using C, C++(Qt for the graphical ones), the Electronjs framework, a little bit of python3 too.
- Design🙈... I design interfaces without worries, but if I have to design them from scratch, then good luck to you🤭😅. Nevertheless, I can improve existing mockups or interfaces.💪