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Review Browser

This is an example project displaying reviews. An Android project with a single screen, executing API calls to request reviews based on user-defined filters, as well as displaying them in a list.

Technologies & Libraries

  • Kotlin
  • ViewModel
  • Dagger
  • Retrofit
  • RxJava
  • JUnit
  • Espresso


The codebase is split into three modules:

  • common
  • api
  • app

Module: common

The common module is a Java library module.

The common module contains code that is required in multiple modules. It serves as a base-module providing the basic required interfaces, for example the SchedulerConfiguration which will later-on provide defined Schedulers for io, computation and ui operations.

Module: api

The api module is an Android library module.

All code related to the api consumption is placed within this module. For now, the module only contains a ReviewApi interface to be consumed with Retrofit as well as a ReviewRepository interface.

The ReviewRepository interface has two implementations, one for live data as well as one for mock data to be used during UI tests.

The api module also exposes dagger modules which can be included in the main application's component. Depending on the build configuration, the modules will expose the live data implementation of the data repository, or a mocked repository variant.

Module: app

The app module is the Android application module.

It contains the Dagger Component which combines Modules from the different project-modules. Also contains the main AndroidManifest as well as since it's just a single screen the UI.

The UI can be split into feature-modules once more complex screens and flows emerge, at this point the app module would connect the dots.


  • /config/
    • Contains server URI and configuration elements
  • /config/
    • Contains a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version setup

Build Configuration

Build Flavors


To be used during development. At some point it should provide a development or staging environment.


To be used within UI tests. Uses mock data-sources with prepared data sets to verify the user interface's behavior.


To be used to access production servers and live implementations of data-sources and everything else.

Signing Configurations

Not set up.

Unit Tests

Each component containing logic also has unit tests. The unit tests are in the same module-scope as the component itself.

The api module contains unit tests for the ReviewRepository which ensure that the API's responses are parsed correctly regarding the status field in the response and the data's nullability.

UI Tests

UI Tests are executed using the default Android test runner. The tests are using espresso.

The tests are using mocked data sources (which are provided by the api module). At the moment, only the app module contains UI thus it's the only module also containing UI tests.

The execute the tests, execute the connectedMockDebugAndroidTest gradle task. It is important to use the mock build flavor for this, since this is the only configuration using the mocked data sources.

Next Steps & Todo

  • Project: Make the design pretty / more user friendly
  • Project: Make city and tour parameters for review browsing dynamic
  • Project: Layer of abstraction on top of the ReviewViewModel - add an interface to define the data contract.
  • Project: Add screen to show 3rd party libraries and licenses used
  • Project: Add more documentation to code (interfaces / contracts)
  • Project: Set-up signing configuration
  • Project: Enable ProGuard
  • Testing: Create BaseTest class with helper methods regarding the Activity's lifecycle
  • Testing: Enable taking screenshots of test cases
  • Testing: Increase test coverage


Copyright 2018 Damian Burke

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.