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Getting MIDI Device and Channel

Godlike Productions edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

By Proton - source

Simple LUA script where you check for those parameters in question, create 2 variables and assing the resulting values to them like so:

outDevice = panel:getProperty(“panelMidiOutputDevice”)
outChannel = panel:getProperty(“panelMidiOutputChannelDevice”)
outChannelNum = tonumber(panel:getProperty(“panelMidiOutputChannelDevice”))

console(“currentOutDevice = “..outDevice)
console(“currentOutChannel = “..outChannel)

if you use console to see what the results are you should see something like this:

LUA>> currentOutDevice = YAMAHA-CS80-OUT
LUA>> currentOutChannel = 1

Note that these return strings. To get the MIDI channel to do anything programatically, you'll need to convert it to a number with the tonumber() function.