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Variables for the "source" argument in LUA scripts

Damien S edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 8 revisions

As a reminder when using the source filter in LUA script :

value(“initialValue”, 0) value(“changedByHost”, 1) value(“changedByMidiIn”, 2) value(“changedByMidiController”, 3) value(“changedByGUI”, 4) value(“changedByLua”, 5) value(“changedByProgram”, 6) value(“changedByLink”, 7) value(“changeByUnknown”, 8)

Here is an exemple

yourFilteredScriptByOperationSource = function(mod,value,source) if source == 4 then -- 4 is for changedByGUI which is an action of the user on the panel GUI -- your script end end -- end of function