Create a standalone .html file that shows photos and GPS recordings on hybrid google maps using leafletjs.
- Shows where photos were taken on google maps.
- Single standalone .html file. js/css libraries are bundled in file. It still requires internet to access google maps tiles.
- Auto-extracts gps coordinates from locally stored photos.
- Links to locally stored photos (so moving the .html file can break it).
- Can also import .gpx files to show recorded GPS routes.
- Supports 360 degree images with redbean web server and pannellum js 360 viewer.
$ python `find . -iname '*.jpg'` `find . -iname '*.gpx'` $ firefox map.html
If contain 360 images, then it will output a redbean webserver running pannellum.
$ python `find . -iname '*.jpg'` `find . -iname '*.gpx'` $ ./map.bat
Bundled in the python script and generated .html files.
- leaflet
- leaflet plugin marker cluster
- leaflet plugin photo
- leaflet plugin gpx
- dygraph
- redbean
- pannellum
Changes to the gpx plugin: Use inline images for marker icons. And keep track of number of GPS points in routes.
No arguments or much help. This is essentially a personal tool.
Giving all photos as arguments will fail if there are too many photos. My system have a default max argument size of 2M. That is enough for me for the foreseeable future.
The standalone .html requires internet and a working google maps API. I do not know if google maps will work in 20 years. The google api path is a single place in the .html, so it is easy to change. I would have liked to bundle the map tiles near photos as inline images.