Seedex is a library for Ecto to easily populate your DB with seed data. It is useful, for example, if you have some master data you need to insert in your database.
This is not meant to generate data for your tests, if this is what you need, checkout ecto_fixtures or ex_machina instead.
Add seedex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:seedex, "~> 0.3.0"}]
First, you need to configure seedex
to use your repository:
config :seedex,
repo: YourApp.Repo,
seeds_path: "priv/repo/seeds" # not required, but can be used to customize seeds path
Then, you just need to add files under the seeds_path
, which defaults to priv/repo/seeds
All files matching seeds_path/*.exs
and seeds_path/MIX_ENV/*.exs
if it exists will be read.
To insert the data, you need to run
mix seedex.seed
Files are loaded in alphabetic order, independently of the directory they are in.
However, the files are really just plain Elixir with nothing special, so you could
just use mix run priv/repo/seeds/my_seed.exs
, if you needed to.
Here is what a seed file looks like:
import Seedex
seed_once Group, fn group ->
|> Map.put(:id, 1)
|> Map.put(:name, "admin")
seed Group, fn group ->
%{group | id: 2, name: "user"}
seed User, [:name], [
%{name: "Daniel", age: 26, group_id: 1},
%{name: "Ai", age: 24, group_id: 2},
Checkout the documentation for more info.