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Parsing English text with Stanza and interpreting as first-order logic according to Montague grammar


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🇬🇧 English to First-Order Logic 💫

Parsing English text and interpreting it as first-order logic formulas can be done in accordance to Montague grammar using Stanza.

Consider the following examples of interpretations á la Montague grammar:

Text Category Constituents Interpretation
Nemo is a fish S NP VP ∃x₀[(fish(x₀) ∧ is(x₀,"Nemo"))]
Nemo NP NNP λP → P("Nemo")
is a fish VP VBZ NP λx → ∃x₀[fish(x₀) ∧ is(x₀,x)]
is VBZ λx → is(x)
a fish NP DT NN λQ λx → ∃x₀[fish(x₀) ∧ Q(x₀,x)]
a DT λP λQ λx → ∃x₀[P(x₀) ∧ Q(x₀,x)]
fish NN λx → fish(x)


We can use Stanza's constituency parser to acquire the constituents of the provided text. The resulting grammar tree can be used for interpretation. See /parser for more information about the parser.


The interpreter implements interpretation rules in accordance to Montague grammar. See for an account of the currently available categories and interpretation rules. See /interpreter for more information about the interpreter.


Interpreting examples/parser/nemo-is-a-fish.json gives the following output:

Nemo is a fish.

`- S
   +- NP
   |  |
   |  `- NNP
   |     |
   |     `- Nemo
   `- VP
      +- VBZ
      |  |
      |  `- is
      `- NP
         +- DT
         |  |
         |  `- a
         `- NN
            `- fish

∃x₀[(fish(x₀) ∧ is(x₀,"Nemo"))]

Interpreting examples/parser/no-fish-walks.json gives the following output:

No fish walks.

`- S
   +- NP
   |  |
   |  +- DT
   |  |  |
   |  |  `- No
   |  |
   |  `- NN
   |     |
   |     `- fish
   `- VP
      `- VBZ
         `- walks

∀x₀[(fish(x₀) → ¬(walks(x₀)))]


Install all prerequisites and build the project using


Run the full program (parser and interpreter) with path/to/json/file.

Using the container

Build the image with docker build -t english2logic:latest .. (Takes around 40 minutes.)

Then run a container using docker run -it -v .:/english2logic english2logic. You can skip the -v if you want to run the container in isolation.